I am having an issue building an adsr with line~ objects when the attack stage is below 1.46 millisec
If it's higher then that , everything works perfectly , also when it's equal to zero
Structure is verry simple
When toggle is on a bang is send to the first stage , attack level is always 1 , attack time is at the same time adjusting a delay
value for the initial bang to be delayed to trigger stage 2
Stage 2 is decay time going to sus level and stays there until the toggle is turned off which then sends a bang to the release stage
As I said , everything works perfectly except when attack time is below 1,46 millisecond .
I suspect the delay module (repsonsible for the decay time and sus level ) can not process such short times
Building adsr with line~ , issues when attacktime is 1ms
I am doing the same thing in max msp , and there it's even worse
5 milliseconds seems to be the fastest attack stage , unless scheduler is run in audio thread , then it's 1 ms
Iow pure data is far better ( scheduler always runs on audio thread ) -
Many (but not all) objects can update only at block boundaries of Pd's main blocks (fixed blocksize of 64 samples in standard Pd) .
One block of 64 samples at 44,1 kHz samplerate = 64*1second/44.1 kHz=1.451 ms
Use [vline~] instead.
Vline ,much better
you know, if you have a question, you should probably first stick to your favorite/most used channel, and then if you don't get answers you may wanna go to other channels. Seeing the same thing on facebook, in here and on the discord channel is overwhelming and you do that a lot, for basic things, not for things that you probably want the input of as many people as you can. And then you also force people to reply to the same thing when it probably has been resolved elsewhere, which is simply a waste of time for others... and you just keep flooding with many messages. Seriously, it's kind of annoying and somewhat disrespectful as it seems you feel like you deserve a lot of attention for basic things and that our time is not as worth as yours.
I post on multiple forums because that way I get answers more quickly , I don't have a favourit channel and dislike favourism in general .
Whenever a question is answered on an forum , I reply on the other forums that it has been solved .
BTW, You're in no position of authority whatsoever to decide what I can and can not do , give me a break .
I also share a lot of stuff , so instead of focussing on the negative , focus on the positive..and stop harassing me -
@gentleclockdivider your approach is totally against netiquette, if you ever read any etiquette rules. Posting the same question to multiple channels just because you need an answer fast is just bad practice for a community member. @porres might sound a bit aggressive, but I do agree with him, and I guess you don't agree with me, still, basic netiquette is necessary in community fora. Also, @porres did not imply he is in any position of authority. He's just recommending a better community behaviour in Pd's channels.
As someone who helps out a lot in SuperCollider communities, I have to say I also find it annoying to see, for example, a question on Facebook and spend some time answering it there -- then log into the forum and see the same question. I can understand why, but it also dilutes my attention, and that isn't ideally productive either.
Would also agree this isn't a matter of authority -- it's a matter of, try also to see it from the standpoint of the person answering the question. There are conflicting factors: the desire for a quick answer vs others' desire to not repeat work. Balancing these may be tricky sometimes, but that's better than a one-sided view of it.
O.k. message received
Will work on it -
@gentleclockdivider said:
I post on multiple forums because that way I get answers more quicklyYou're just confirming what I said, that you think your time is more valuable than other's, which is also being quite selfish. I know it's convenient to you, of course, but if you cared about not being inconvenient to others, you wouldn't do that.
Also, please try to read the documentation. You ask many questions that could be prevented from carefully reading a help file. Again, I know it's more convenient to you to not waste time studying and just throw questions everywhere and wait for the generousity of other human beings (cause you know, we're not ChatGPT) to teach you basic things for free.
You seem to be investing a lot in Pd, you're working a lot with it and you show you really want to know it, to the point you're ignoring about externals cause "you wanna lear how to do it yourself". If you wanna really dive in and learn it so badly, just RTFM, right?
I know that this one question was something hard to get from the help file itself, and I was actually grateful for your question cause it made me improve it. But also, been already annoyed many other times and if you read the audio examples you'd find out about the [line~] vs [vline~] deal, and I guess that'd be good for you and I guess you may learn a lot more if you spend some effort.
Don't hesitate to make more questions but please just make it sure and clear to us that you're at least trying to do your homework beforehand.
@gentleclockdivider said:
Whenever a question is answered on an forum , I reply on the other forums that it has been solved .
Apparently this is flawed, as you weren't quick enough this time
I answered on facebook, but then I see @lacuna did gave the exact same answer in here. There you go, you made two people work, independently, and waste the time of one of us for something that the other already took care of elsewhere...
I don't have a favourit channel and dislike favourism in general .
ok, pick one randomly then
@porres might sound a bit aggressive,
I reckon that, and I'm sorry. This is the best I can do actually and being bluntly honest is not really a matter of being aggressive, it's just how my brain operates. I actually hate to play the neurodivergent's card, and that hasn't worked great since I finally found out about it... but yeah, I have no politeness filter and hopefully if I say that people won't take things too personally, like saying I'm here to "harass".
I have nothing but devotion for this piece of software, this community, and I'll do whatever I can, always, to help and contribute. I am really just coming out to say that I think you should work on improving your participation here @gentleclockdivider and I'm sorry the way I come out, but then, nobody else was having the urge to come out and say things with honesty.