I would like to have solution how to have a certain percentage of bangs
Say , counter-modulo goes to 100 , into moses set to 60
While I do get a range of 0- 60 at the left , 60-100 at the right ,it's not what I want
All good I think
Random 100 into comparison < 60 will do the trick -
Awesome , that's it
THe first solution is the most elegant , writing $0-name as an argument in the symbol object
I wonder , is there also an option to get it into the symbol object by other means and not by writing it as an argument ? -
I created a small utility , midi cc to note names
First of all ,I know that message objects don't like $0-.
But I need the $0-name into the "text get" object right inlet and this inlet expects a symbol name ( to adress the text define $0-miditopitch )
So normally I would type symbol + name in the message object but since there is a $0 in the name it doesn't work .
Can't really use send object either .
I tried using the symbol object and bang out $0 into a symbol box , no luck (right part of screen )
Sorry , if it was not clear .
It was indeed an abstraction ( calling another pd patch ) and not a subpatch -
I am havng an issue here
A subpatcher with two arrays called $0-regina and $0-felina for locality
I can switch between the tables by using float $0 and then into set message "$1-felina" "$1-regina"
The issue however , once outside the subpatcher , I can not send color and width data to the tables using a send module called "$0-regina" , "$0-felina"
Inside the patcher it works
Help appreciated
Here's the subpatcher
Insert Code Here
@porres said:
@gentleclockdivider said:
The uzi spits outs values 1-64
you probably want 0-63, and help file of [uzi] tells you how to set from 0 with the 2nd argument, The trigger part is bad, you should have just first sent it to the right then to the left, but I just simplified the whole thing by just using [expr] to do it all... I am also using [loop] from ELSE which I think has a better desing and works best
I dont know why you say the trigger part is bad .
Sure I could have send it first to the right inlet of write and then left (which I have don previously ) , but using a TBF for the index I am sure that value at the left input ( float module ) will be triggered by tbf -
Can someone help me out here , I've done this a million times but this is really getting on me
The uzi spits outs values 1-64
It first goes into the expr..which divides the uzi stream ( $f1 ) by the length o the table (64) , multiplied by 2pi radians .
This goes into a cosine into ( cold inlet )of float .
The float is banged only when the TBF has written it's first index .
Problem is that the first value is never written .
I've disconnected the order multiple times and the same result occurs .
Only when reloading the patch it works fine ( edit it doesn't )
[uzibug.pd](/uploads/files/1714834042641-uzibug.pd) Insert Code Here
#N canvas 827 239 527 327 12; #X obj 385 680 tabwrite this, f 39; #N canvas 0 0 450 250 (subpatch) 0; #X array this 64 float 2; #X coords 0 1 64 -1 450 215 1; #X restore 148 69 graph; #X floatatom 72 471 5 0 0 0 - - - 12; #X msg 72 530 \; this color \$1 \;; #X obj 435 309 bng 60 250 50 0 empty empty Bang\ \ 68 30 0 44 #333333 #eeeeee #e43009; #X obj 385 580 cos; #X msg 193 532 \; this width \$1 \;; #X floatatom 193 471 5 0 0 0 - - - 12; #X obj 385 643 f; #X obj 435 394 uzi 64, f 30; #X obj 385 514 expr ($f1/64)*(3.1415*$f2), f 23; #X floatatom 722 428 5 0 0 0 - - - 12; #X obj 622 600 t b f; #X obj 727 319 loadbang; #X msg 728 394 2; #X msg 816 360 \; this color 298 \; this width 2 \;; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 4 0 9 0; #X connect 5 0 8 1; #X connect 7 0 6 0; #X connect 8 0 0 0; #X connect 9 2 10 0; #X connect 9 2 12 0; #X connect 10 0 5 0; #X connect 11 0 10 1; #X connect 12 0 8 0; #X connect 12 1 0 1; #X connect 13 0 14 0; #X connect 13 0 15 0; #X connect 14 0 11 0;
@whale-av said:
So is it possible that it was it [cyclone/line~] that you tested in your opening post? .... as you separated the pairs in that screenshot?
No , because cyclone line can only be instantiated with cyclone/line~
In my first post , I separated the pairs in the message because I was pretty sure pd line~ did not accept multiple pairs contrary to what the info bubble said.After all , vline~ would be my first choice since it's more capable compared to cyclone/line~
It's all good now , -
It's obviously a name clash .
Regular Line~ is instantiated despite the info showng cyclone , for cyclone one should instantiate cyclone/line~
All good -
@ddw_music said:
The reference panel says "Origin: cyclone." This tells you that it did not load the vanilla [line~] object -- it loaded the one from cyclone, which is modeled after Max's [line~], which does accept a series of breakpoint pairs.
It does not accept multiple pairs , even the cyclone one.
This should go to 1 instantlly , to 0 in 200ms, back to 1 in 100mS and back to 0 in 100 ms
It doesn't
As a matter of fact , I think the reference to cyclone is just wrong , because pure data vanilla loads it fine and I don't have any externals at all