• porres

    Anyone in mac ever made an aggregate audio device and had [dac~ 1 2] into one device and [dac~ 3 4] into another? It seems in other systems you can have up to 4 devices in audio settings, right? can someone confirm that for me in Windows? And it works in the same way I wanted and described with [dac~], right?


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    hi, thanks for the PR and fix

    just to note that you can send PRs directly to the "documentation" branch in the Pd repository, see https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/tree/documentation

    or open issues at https://github.com/pure-data/pddp


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    hi, just to clear one thing out. Now purr data does not install anymore as 'pd-l2ork', right? It's quite similar, but pd-l2ork is actually different and not purr data, huh?

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    For the record, just so anybody else gets confused, it's not like it's plugadata which has more things than vanilla, it's really the other way around!

    plugdata offers some externals that are from vanilla and has done a great job but it doesn't include 100% functionality and all objects from these libraries. The plan is to do so but it has already ditched comment and scope~ from Cyclone in favor of ELSE alternatives for good.

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    [else/dec2frac] seems to do what you want. It's a lovely object from a nice library that is well documented, dont you think?

    you're welcome

    I'm glad you're back using PlugData and hope you changed your mind that M4L is better

    p.s since you are ok paying for software, please consider sponsoring me, timothy and alexmitchel on patreon and such so we can do yet more great things for you and others

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    in plugdata, check else/envgen~ it's more powerful

    yeah, the reference is from cyclon, not that cyclon's got 2 outlets

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    @oid actually, I would appreciate if there was some moderation here to ban this person :) I don't think that a toxic person that harasses, attacks other members of the community, makes false accusations and lies so much deserves to be on the forum. Who can I talk to for this, do you know?

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