• alexandros

    Thanks for sharing this! Note, the switchramp.pd abstraction is saved as switchRamp.pd (upper case R) but in Pd it is invoked as switchramp.pd (lower case r), so Pd can't find it. Renaming it to switchramp.pd with lower case r works.

    posted in abstract~ read more
  • alexandros

    Not sure, but I guess you should have openFrameworks installed, which has a script to install dependencies. Do you have those? These scripts should also be available in Ofelia, in scripts/ubuntu.

    posted in pixel# read more
  • alexandros

    @ben-wes is right here. the delay time to execute a ramp is the last argument, first is target and second is ramp time, just like with [line~].

    posted in technical issues read more
  • alexandros

    No idea of the development/maintenance state of Purr Data, but PlugData, another monolith Pd variant is seriously actively developed. You might want to try that instead, unless you revert to Pd vanilla and install any externals you want through deken (Help->Find externals). IMO, that's the best option if you don't intend to use Pd as a VST plugin or want to compile your patches with heavy.

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  • alexandros

    @lacuna That is correct, still, such a patch will work the same way. The [float] object can convert symbols to floats from the list-box too. Still, a good point.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • alexandros

    There's already a new reply by the same user https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/14374/clouds-generative-lo-fi-ambient
    Strange that it indeed gives some correct information and does provide a link to libPd's GitHub repo.

    posted in this forum read more
  • alexandros

    What @whale-av writes is correct. Also note that your first method is actually Frequency Modulation (FM) (missing the index that controls the amplitude of the modulator, of course). The second method is correct for what you want, combined with David's suggestion.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • alexandros

    I agree. This user has two posts only, both of which look similar. He hasn't started a discussion, and hasn't offered anything really. His profile is also bot-like.

    posted in this forum read more
  • alexandros

    It seems that this loads when I open the All_about_else.pd patch that comes with the library. If I don't open this, even if I set the path to else with [declare], this menu doesn't work.

    posted in extra~ read more
  • alexandros

    Is it in Pd's search path?

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