I'd like to make help files for my Pd modules that work like Pd object help files, but I can't find any documentation on how to do it. Where is this documented?
How to create help files?
@jamcultur If your module is called e.g. module.... [module] ... module.pd.... then create the help file and name it .... module-help.pd
It needs to be found when you right-click [module] and select "help"...... so put it in the same folder as [module] or a folder set in the path preferences of Pd, or use [declare] in [module] so that it can be found.
David. -
Thanks, that worked. Is there some Pd doc that I don't know about? I keep running into basic things like this that don't seem to be documented anywhere.
ive never noticed that before
@jamcultur I have never seen documentation for this. I just noticed years ago that if the standard help files were not in a known path then they would not be found.... and that they were all named something-help.pd
A quick google search finds an old post......... https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/6874/creating-a-help-file
The forum search tool is not useful.
When searching the forum it is best to use a search engine....... "pdpatchrepo what I am looking for.."