• jamcultur

    @jameslo Thanks! That works better.

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  • jamcultur

    There is a problem with Pure Data patch " rfft array" on this page.

    When I run the patch, I get a second peak off the edge of the graph, as you can see in the attached image. I'm using Pd 0.55.0. Is this a problem with the patch or with Pure Data? What's the fix?

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  • jamcultur

    I have a large patch that has gotten very messy because of all the lines connecting objects. I'm considering replacing most of the lines with sends. Does send have more overhead than lines?

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  • jamcultur

    I tried making the [bang] on the right work like the one on the left by entering "note 100" in the Send symbol field in the Bang Properties, but that didn't work. [r note] gets nothing when I click that bang. If I just enter "note" in Send symbol, without a number, then [r note] gets a bang when I click it. Is there a way to send a number from a bang using Send symbol in Bang Properties? It would make my patches a lot cleaner if I could do that.

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  • jamcultur

    @oid Where are the commands that can be sent to [pdcontrol] documented?

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  • jamcultur

    @benalb That works if I open the patch on the machine where the option was set, but not when the patch is opened on another machine. I'm working on patches that will be distributed to other people, some of whom have very little experience with Pd. Is there a way to trigger zoom from within the patch, so that people on other machines don't have to change their options?

    And a related question, is there a way to turn on the DSP from within a patch?

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  • jamcultur

    The first thing I do when opening my patches is to zoom in using Ctrl+.Is there a way to trigger Ctrl+ from loadbang?

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  • jamcultur

    @jameslo I had tried closing and reopening the patch, because it seems that it sometimes necessary for changes to take effect, but that didn't help. But when I closed and restarted Pd, it now works. I don't understand why I had to close and restart Pd to make this work, but it does work now. Thank you!

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!