@whale-av said:
@RayManiac You could try downloading extendedview....... https://puredata.info/downloads/extended-view-toolkit ......... it is a very useful library anyway.
Then open 03b_ev_example_360_degree_livecam.pd
That is the only patch that will open my webcam in Gem.
Fast-forward a couple of years -- I just had a student with exactly the same problem, in Windows (couldn't open [pix_video] using the videoInput backend).
I had the student try extendedview -- the camera opened!
So then I wondered why... does extendedview implement a backend that Gem doesn't? (Seems not -- there are no files named anything like videoinput.)
Or some super-secret messages? So I added a [print] into ev_cam_dsp -- 3 cables into pix_video, one is gemlist so I'm not printing that, got the other two.

to_pixvid: device 0
That's it. Nothing more than that. Just "device 0" -- so I asked the student to create a patch and send this message to [pix_video] before opening the gemwin -- and it worked.
So, for posterity: if pix_video isn't opening in Windows, it might be necessary to send it a "device" message (even though this might not be necessary in other OSes or even on other Windows machines). Not guaranteed to solve the problem in every case, but I think this explains why ev_cam worked for whale-av.