What I found useful for visualizations is projectM as the visualizer sending pds result to Jack and Jack out to projectM.
You can edit the milk drop files, too.
Their semantics isn't too hard to follow.There are thousands of milkdrop files to use. Oscilloscope-types being some of them.
You can find some examples of that technique below under Search>"projectM"
[Scott's YouTube videos]https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC-3FoYfhbYsLdtLlvV9v55A)
I am in no way affiliated with the developer.
It is way, way more function-specific than the python editor (can't speak to the MS one as I don't use it),
Peace through Sharing=Love through Music.
Using pieces of the Ganymede project
I have found this information to be very useful when working with automation as well as with respect to MIDI, esp fluid~.
May they prove of some use to you.
p.s. I also include the chords.txt I have.
Useful information re Musical Modes.zip
using-the-data-example.pdI created the files by looking at:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromatic_circle License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
(at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License).Below is a screenshot of the using-the-data-example.pd patch.
and here is a screenshot of the constellations-modes.txt
@meschi Thank you for the info. Very valuable to know.
Still couldn't get what I wanted to work (i.e. resolve the 64-bit not implemented issue).
And have had to cut my losses and pursue a different route for what I want.
Am going to leave it at using proximity detectors instead.
Peace through sharing. Love thru Music.
Thanks, again.
-s -
I really want to use VideOSC+ with my work.
Yet when my desktop receives the stream, it throws a "64-bit numbers not supported error.
Ie. starting with which version of PD (most esp which Linux kernel (or Ubuntu version) does this become "supported"?
Thank you for the input. I really appreciate it.I think I got it worked out. See below.
Found out gemmouse does send a mousewheel event, but only as if it were a bang to the XY.
So if you keep the mouse still, ie trap for not changing, you can safely assume (if you also trap for click changes) that the result out is the mousewheel event.
gemmouse+-help.pdPeace, Love, Beauty thru Pd
I've searched my externals and online and have tried hcs and hid and neither work. (hcs does not see the mousewheel from inside the gemwindow and hid sends constant (at poll rate) output (so is never completely off). (note: due to my OS I am using Pd version: Pd 0.50.2).
Simply, I want to be able to "zoom" like one would on the z-axis of an online map. So on each mousewheel click up or down it increments or decrements a value.
Thanks, in adavnce. I look forward to your suggestion, advise, link to external, abs, or just image/sketch of how to do it.
Peace through sharing.
Love through music.
Beauty through Gem.
-s -
I think I might (hopefully) figured it out.Fix (attempted
Replace your ./ganymede/main.pd file with this one:
main.pdYou will see my note inside.
I either mistakenly or for reasons long forgotten did not have the Preset msg to the [samp $1( connected.Do please let me know if that resolves the problem.
If it does not do so, then pls share the above three pics for your setup. Have not yet been able to replicate the problem.
p.s. I want to mentioned. I had a real blast using this tool. And think you might too. Esp. when I connected a usb gamepad to it as hid input).
Well, (just couldn't keep away from this):
Having trouble pinning down why this is happening on your end.
This might help you (if yr also trying to figure out why it isn't working...
Some (child) abstractions take dynamic creation arguments, node for instance (where $1 is its index passed in from its parents creation arg. So to best see them (i.e wo errors) they must be opened in their parent.
If need be, to see which creation arg is being passed in where, turn off graph-on-parent for the abs.
(note: I started using that technique back with "Just Another (Drum) Sequencer...SortOf, codename: Virgo" if you want to read up on it. And have adopted it ever since. As it makes organizing (and esp thought mapping) at the highest level so much easier).
Let's start here:
The version I downloaded from above works with the following settings, out of the box, aka:
- turning audio on and clicking "PLAY".
This is my output and the subsequent is my about,
p.s. mind you, this is a very complicated patch. And as mentioned before, I am long, long way away from its line of reasoning.
So would benefit from other eyes on the prize. Thanks. In advance, to anyone else who throws their two cents in. I really appreciate it.
A lot of other stuff going on in my life right now, so don't really have the time necessary to devote my full attention (really, as needed) to it.
Peace thru Sharing.
Love thru Music.