• oid

    @RT5000 [iemguts/canvasobjectposition]. The iemguts library has a selection of objects for manipulating patches/objects.

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  • oid

    @Ice-Ice I believe what is going on is that pd finds and loads the external but the external fails to find the csound files it needs to to run. there is a csound6.dll or the like which is not installed anywhere [csound6~] can find it so it fails to load, it is not where who ever compiled the external had it on their computer. What else is printed in the log window that you cut out?

    Edit: Also, how did you install Csound? did you use the installer or the binaries? Guessing that the installer would put things were they need to be for [csound6~] to find them but the binaries would not and will require you to put things in their proper places.

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  • oid

    @johannem I assume you are talking about the screen on the Push? Quick look and it looks like that is controlled through sysex messages so it will not be an issue to control that from pd and the messages look to be documented so it will not be too difficult to make it work. For the encoders, they look to use relative CCs so turning to the right sends a value of 65-127 depending on how fast you turn the knob and to the left sends a value of 64-0, so you need add up the value its sends, not difficult and I have an old abstraction in this thread which handles them and allows you to easily use a single encoder for multiple parameters. The abstraction is from when I was learning pd and probably is not the best way to go about things but it does the job. I think I may have reworked them but they are not on this computer, will check later and upload them if I did.

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  • oid

    @rosemyxine Just use the first f of the pack for the bang and follow it with a [list split 1] or a [$2 $3 ...(

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  • oid

    @soundproofskin said:

    I don't know why the sound doesn't trigger when the message is banged with using symbol this way

    Because you skipped over learning the basics, objects have hot and cold inlets, hot intlets produce output, cold inlets affect the object's state, vast majority of objects only have the left inlet as a hot inlet with the other inlets configuring the object but producing no output. Might want to dig into the manual, it will save you a good amount of time down the road. @lacuna's answer is actually the correct answer, I did not look close enough at your patch, as it stands you are reloading the sample every time you play it, only need to load it when the sample being played changes.

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  • oid

    @soundproofskin Connect the [list split]s to the right inlet of the [symbol] and the [sel 0 1 2 3] to the left. Also, [unpack s s s s] will make things a bit neater than the [list split]s and as a general rule of thumb [pack] and [unpack] are more efficient than [list] objects so are a better way to go when you are dealing with short lists of a known number of elements.

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  • oid

    @kkl You need to tell the [array get] how many elements to get, either a 1 sent to the second inlet or through arguments [array get array1 0 1]. Your counter likely also has an issue if you have sent a value other than 0 to the first inlet, if the counter works sending a 1 to the first inlet should send the first element through to the last element. Along with @lacuna's recommendation of the help files also good to check the help browser, control-b or open it through the Help menu, first item is Pure Data and in there you have lots of examples and the like.

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  • oid

    @alexandros If I understand correctly, that method interrupts the decay curve and we can see that in the transition from the decay to the sustain, not as smooth as it should be? The way I do it is make every segment run from 0 to 1 and then scale and offset to the proper values. Much of the time I don't think it would matter, we would not hear the flaw in your method, if there is one, guessing based off of the image but don't really know since I am not completely sure what is in your abstraction. Here is roughly how I do it. Mostly posting to see if I understand and for the sake of discussion, if I do understand I think for most uses your method is more sensible.

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  • oid

    @Vorg [reson~] from the cyclone library is a good bet for your filter needs.

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  • oid

    @Oscillcreate The welcome to the forum thread pinned in the Technical Questions section is actually a thread about the importance of [trigger] and should answer your question.

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