• flextUser

    @oid Not too hard, but I would rather stay away from TCL :smile:


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  • flextUser

    @porres Combination of filters to emulate the Prophet V...in progress :smile:

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  • flextUser

    @oid Cool, thanks. I am not a fan of TCL/TK, but I am curious as to how difficult it would be to add a menu to load my own settings. Is this something that can be done with plugins alone ?

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  • flextUser

    In pd_bindings.tcl, I replaced this :

    # and the Pd window is in a class to itself
        bind all <KeyPress>         {::pd_bindings::sendkey %W 1 %K %A 0 %k}
        bind all <KeyRelease>       {::pd_bindings::sendkey %W 0 %K %A 0 %k}
        bind all <Shift-KeyPress>   {::pd_bindings::sendkey %W 1 %K %A 1 %k}
        bind all <Shift-KeyRelease> {::pd_bindings::sendkey %W 0 %K %A 1 %k}```

    Max style bindings

    bind all <KeyPress> {
        set w [winfo toplevel %W]
        if {[winfo class $w] eq "PatchWindow" && $::editmode($w) && !$::editingtext($w)} {
            switch -- %K {
                "n" {menu_send_float %W obj 0}
                "m" {menu_send_float %W msg 0}
                "i" {menu_send_float %W floatatom 0}
                "l" {menu_send_float %W listbox 0}
                "c" {menu_send_float %W text 0}
                "b" {menu_send %W bng}
                "f" {menu_send %W numbox}
                "v" {menu_send %W vslider}
                "h" {menu_send %W hslider}
                "r" {menu_send %W hradio}
                "d" {menu_send %W vradio}
                "g" {menu_send %W graph}
                "a" {menu_send %W menuarray}
                "u" {menu_send %W vumeter}
                default {::pd_bindings::sendkey %W 1 %K %A 0 %k}
        } else {
            ::pd_bindings::sendkey %W 1 %K %A 0 %k
    bind all <KeyRelease>       {::pd_bindings::sendkey %W 0 %K %A 0 %k}
    bind all <Shift-KeyPress>   {::pd_bindings::sendkey %W 1 %K %A 1 %k}
    bind all <Shift-KeyRelease> {::pd_bindings::sendkey %W 0 %K %A 1 %k}```

    Are there any implications? Why isn't this (or similar) a default setting?

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  • flextUser

    @tungee External. I hope to Deken soon, and for the moment, Windows only.

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  • flextUser

    with PWM and some analog emulation.


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  • flextUser

    @gidiesse Bravissimo :clap: :clap: :clap:

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  • flextUser

    I have this one (Windows only)
    euclid.gif ```

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  • flextUser

    Hi porres. It's an external compiled for Windows. Nothing up yet but will be, as soon as I finish the rest of the library.

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  • flextUser

    compressor~ external with some UI objects I made.


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  • flextUser

    It's text from a file.

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  • flextUser

    @jameslo Very useful ! Thanks. I didn't know about this protocol. That does it.
    I'm trying to compare time values from a transport to stored values from a text sequence so I can change parameters at specific times.
    Screenshot 2023-11-10 143334.png

    I could use [text sequence] alone but my transport behaves like a real performer with IOI variations.

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  • flextUser

    @whale-av Thanks David! I will take a look at list-abs. There is no way to unpack inside makefilename right? [makefilename %d %d %d]

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  • flextUser

    Screenshot 2023-11-10 111056.png

    Is there a way to do it preserving the zero ? I want to compare two lists that include zeros left and right.

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  • flextUser

    Yes ! Deleting plugdata's internal folder worked, I also checked the develop branch. Thanks !

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  • flextUser

    Thanks again for your help. I was able to fix build errors (git problems) but still get errors with LV2 which I don't need so I disabled it.
    plugdata.exe will not launch, here is the output:


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  • flextUser

    Thank you. These are the errors I get when building solution in VS2022
    Screenshot 2023-02-24 100238.png

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  • flextUser

    Thank you Timothy! That's what I'm doing now but I get errors when building sln in VS (I can report) also, I would like to use the latest version of Pd from their git repository. Can I just replace the submodules ?

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  • flextUser

    Has anyone been able to compile Plugdata with the generator for VS 64?

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Internal error.

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