@esaruoho There is probably an external for getting date and time but I would just use [command] unless I needed something lighter since it saves me from having to find a suitable external and it also lets us get the date in exactly the format we want it. This may not work on Windows but should work on most anything with unix heritage including OSX which I seem to recall is what you use? You can open up terminal.app and type man date
to get other formatting options.

You could also use performance time and derive that from you master [metro] and some simple math to get beats and bars or what ever you desire instead of literal time, has some advantages but would require more work and possibly some reworking of your patch. This is a difficult one to answer without more knowledge of your patch and the way you use it.
Edit: That fails, this works, will leave the above since it could be of help to some. It seems the problem with the previous is that [command] breaks the right to left depth first execution (probably a good thing), pd does not wait for [command] to finish before going to the next step in the trigger so the previous time would still be set on the cold inlet of [list] for the next go around. I should have just read the [command] helpfile, as usual.