@Sarabade Hello Sarabade......
If you google the wikepedia pages for all the different file formats for video and still images you will see that all of the files will have a header, which tells the operating system how to interpret the file (even the uncompressed formats like .bmp). If you glitch (corrupt) the header then the file cannot be read.
So you must not corrupt the data until you are a few (or a few thousand) bytes into the file (how many depends upon the file format...... jpg, tiff, bmp etc..)
I have found Antonio Roberts file on my computer and modded it to send out the ascii codes...... it might provide a start for your project........
JPG - binary - killer_mod.pd
Look into (right-click-open) one of the green abstraction boxes to see how you could write your new file..... and save it......... and importantly how you can avoid modifying the header.......
You cannot use [send glitch_ascii_code_list] as the header codes are already broken!!...... it is just for viewing in the terminal...........
If you try to write the actual ascii "symbols" to a message file then you will get the "closing brace" messages that you are seeing.......or worse! Pd will try to interpret some characters as "control" messages, and that will crash Pd. You will have to work with the numbers that represent the "characters" (ascii or binary) and not the "text" characters....a,b,c, etc......