• porres

    Anyone in mac ever made an aggregate audio device and had [dac~ 1 2] into one device and [dac~ 3 4] into another? It seems in other systems you can have up to 4 devices in audio settings, right? can someone confirm that for me in Windows? And it works in the same way I wanted and described with [dac~], right?


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  • porres

    hi, thanks for the PR and fix

    just to note that you can send PRs directly to the "documentation" branch in the Pd repository, see https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/tree/documentation

    or open issues at https://github.com/pure-data/pddp


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  • porres

    hi, just to clear one thing out. Now purr data does not install anymore as 'pd-l2ork', right? It's quite similar, but pd-l2ork is actually different and not purr data, huh?

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  • porres

    For the record, just so anybody else gets confused, it's not like it's plugadata which has more things than vanilla, it's really the other way around!

    plugdata offers some externals that are from vanilla and has done a great job but it doesn't include 100% functionality and all objects from these libraries. The plan is to do so but it has already ditched comment and scope~ from Cyclone in favor of ELSE alternatives for good.

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  • porres

    [else/dec2frac] seems to do what you want. It's a lovely object from a nice library that is well documented, dont you think?

    you're welcome

    I'm glad you're back using PlugData and hope you changed your mind that M4L is better

    p.s since you are ok paying for software, please consider sponsoring me, timothy and alexmitchel on patreon and such so we can do yet more great things for you and others

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  • porres

    in plugdata, check else/envgen~ it's more powerful

    yeah, the reference is from cyclon, not that cyclon's got 2 outlets

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  • porres


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  • porres

    @oid actually, I would appreciate if there was some moderation here to ban this person :) I don't think that a toxic person that harasses, attacks other members of the community, makes false accusations and lies so much deserves to be on the forum. Who can I talk to for this, do you know?

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  • porres

    hi, else/wt~ and wt2d~ can morph between arrays in one and two dimensions, also included in PlugData

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  • porres

    Let's be honest, if you are using free/open source software that you do not support and that you do not collaborate to in any way and that you do not follow closely to be aware that some features aren't actually supported, you're not really "screwed" if you use such features... you also have absolutely no right to get "pissed" and rage with hate like you did about this on facebook.

    I find your attitude quite egocentric and offensive to Timothy and everyone involved in the great development of PlugData, they deserve much better respect and support.

    You've been quite disrespectfully on facebook to the Pd community in general with your mentality and rage outburst for being "pissed" about the "discontinuity" of Ofelia (which wasn't discontinued as it was never oficial) and then saying you have abandoned PlugData now for good and are now using MAX4LIVE instead... you have managed your tone about it all here, maybe cause you don't want to get banned here as well, but this information is also found on your personal website and you have even mentioned how you are "rightly pissed" and attacked me there!

    You have to be really politically ignorant to treat a comercial software like MAX and Pure Data as equals and rage about a free and open source project not offering what you want, as if you were a "customer" not getting you what you need, for free, when you're not engaged in that community at all. Why don't you try and fix and make Ofelia part of PlugData... why don't you support it financially since you are willing to pay for commercial software instead?

    Well, I guess don't do that, go ahead and leave the community, if you do not outburst in rage again and just get banned as well. I guess Open source projects are not for spoiled and self centered people who just want to take and not give anything, and then badmouth the project when it is not "sufficient".

    And for the record, [pdlua] has been officially supported and part of PlugData for over a year now and won't ever be discontinued. It's also getting awesome new features like graphics support and inline scripting (as Ofelia offered). But [pdlua] will now just be integrated into ELSE and maybe called something "else".


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  • porres

    @dazar said:

    I've already put a link to the else path and the externals path.

    so calling just the object works, right? like just [adsr~]

    the problem might be that the folder where the 'else' folder is has not been added to the paths...

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  • porres

    had to reupload and fix a couple of issues, please redownload if you had downloaded before!

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  • porres

    Hi! This has gotta be the biggest update ever. geez... there's too much stuff, and I just decided to stop arbitrarily cause there's still lots of stuff to do. Ok, here goes the highlights!

    This is the 1st multichannel (MC) aware release of ELSE (so it needs Pd 0.54-0 or later)! There are many many many objects were updated to become MC aware: 42 of them to be exact. There are also many many new objects, and many of them are MC capable, 20 out of 33! Som in total I have 62 objects that deal with MC... that's a good start. More to come later!

    Note that 4 of these new ones were just me being lazy and creating new mc oscillators with [clone], I might delete them and just make the original objects MC aware... so basically these new MC objects bring actual new functionalities and many are tools to deal with MC in many ways, like splitting, merging, etc...

    With 33 new objects, this is the first release to reach and exceed the mark of 500 externals, what a milestone! (This actually scares me). We now have 509 objects and for the first time ever I have reached the number of examples in the Tutorial, which is also 509 now! But I guess eventually the tutorial will grow larger than the number of externals again...

    Since the last release, ELSE comes with an object browser plugin, I have improved it and also included a browser for Vanilla objects. I think it's silly to carry these under ELSE and I hope I can bring this to Vanilla's core. see https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/pull/1917

    A very exciting new object is [sfz~], which is a SFZ player based on 'SFIZZ'. This is more versatile than other externals out there and pretty pretty cool (thanks alex mitchell for the help)!

    I have created a rather questionable object called [synth~] which wraps around [clone] and [voices]/[mono], but I think it will be quite interesting to newbies. It loads synth abstractions in a particular template and makes things a bit more convenient. It also allows you to load different abstraction patches with dynamic patching magic.

    [plaits~] has been updated to include new 8 synth engines with the latest firmware. Modular people are happy... (thanks amy for doing this)

    One cool new object for MC is [voices~], which is a polyphonic voice manager that outputs the different voices in different channels. If you have MC aware oscillators and stuff this allows you to manage polyphonic patches without the need of [clone] at all. This is kinda like VCV works and it opens the door for me to start designing modular inspired abstractions, something I mentioned before and might come next and soon! So much being done, so much to do... What an exciting year for Pd with the incredibly nice MC feature!

    There's lots more stuff and details, but I'l just shut up and link to the full changelog here https://github.com/porres/pd-else/releases/tag/v1.0-rc9

    You can get ELSE from deken as well. It's up there for macOS, Windows 64 bits, Linux 64 bits and raspberry pi. Please test and tell me if there's something funny.



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