• atux

    @jameslo said:

    @atux See if this works for both note on and off:

    Thank you,

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  • atux

    Now my problem is connecting [notein] values to [vstplugin~].
    I've tried various ways, but they don't work...

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  • atux

    @jameslo said:

    @atux My installation of [vstplugin~] is fairly old, but it had this in the help file. Is this what you're looking for?

    Right, I hadn't seen it.
    It can be done like this:
    NOTE: does anyone know if it is possible to load also the. lv2 plugins in pd?


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  • atux

    in this patch I would like to connect the top part with the bottom part. What is the correct way to send MIDI notes to [vstplugin~]?
    In the part below I have loaded the VST3 synth "Odin2". By clicking, the plugin opens and works correctly.
    Thank you,

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  • atux

    @whale-av said:

    So if you have a slider sending to [midiout] on a channel then probably "vinyl control" could learn the parameter.

    In Pd: I put a vertical slider connected to [midiout] object.

    In learning mode ("vinyl control"), moving the slider in Pd, Mixxx says:

    Didn't get any midi messages. Please try again.


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  • atux

    @willblackhurst said:

    you need to get the controller #s you can look at them as you hit buttons, their numbers show up in pd.

    Thanks, using [noteout] in Pd and "Learning Wizard" in Mixxx, Mixxx buttons are easily controlled from Pd. It works well.

    I just need to figure out how to control the "scratch" with a slider in Pd, I don't think there is any associated control. If anyone has any ideas...


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  • atux

    Hi all,
    any ideas to control Mixxx dj software from a Pure Data patch?
    ...essentially having control of the Mixxx buttons and above all this: being able to control the scratch from Pure Data by moving a slider.

    Thank you,

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  • atux

    @FFW said:

    A vanilla solution:

    Nice, it works perfectly.
    It could be added in "else/list management" as [inversion] object.
    (Maybe adding a number box to choose the reflection point. Without choice: the first element as reflection point by default).

    Thank you,

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  • atux

    @ddw_music said:

    @atux said:

    is there any object that allows to do a melodic inversion?

    [...] if you want middle C to be the reflection point:

    Thank you.
    In my case I would like the reflection point to be the first note of the sequence.

    Maybe this works:

    Let MIDI_1 = first MIDI note of the melody

    (MIDI note from a list from first to last)
    (2*MIDI_1, $1)

    So, for example:

    (71 68 74 51) becomes: (71 74 68 91)

    I "just" have to build this object that acts on a list of any length :D


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  • atux

    Hi all,

    is there any object that allows to do a melodic inversion?
    The input would be the numeric values ​​of the midi notes.

    (Melodic Inversion in the sense that where the original melody goes up by an interval, the inverted melody goes down by the same interval).

    Thank you,

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  • atux

    Hi all,

    what is the correct way to change the speed of an uploaded audio file?
    With pitch change. For example: like when a record player is turned off.
    Thank you,

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  • atux


    It works perfectly.
    Thank you,

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  • atux

    Hi all,

    when I move the cursor of a slider, is there a way to send a bang at the instant I release the left mouse button?

    [pd 0.54.0 on Linux]
    Thank you,

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  • atux


    running a patch that I haven't opened for a while (and which has always worked), now the console writes that:

    ... couldn't create

    It's strange, because until recently I've always used this object without problems.
    I tried with "Find Externals", but it gives me zero results.
    I tried to install it with Synaptic, and it is already installed:
    But it has no effect.
    In the folder where all the Externals are, bassemu~ is not there.
    How to install the correct library for bassemu~ object?
    [pd 0.54 on Linux]

    Thank you,

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  • atux


    when I download a patch attached to a post, and then open it in pd, everything appears contracted and I have to enlarge everything by hand.
    Why doesn't it keep the formatting?
    [Pd version 0.54.0 on Linux]

    Thank you,

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  • atux

    what are the best patches for pd (on linux) regarding audio visualization (from spectrogram to any other diagram) or audio reaction (of any type, even fantasy)?

    Thank you,

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  • atux


    how do I plot points from an array?
    For example, from this array (where zeros do not correspond to any points):
    get a graph like this:
    I can do it directly in puredata or using GEM, it doesn't matter.

    Thank you,

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  • atux


    what methods are there to plot points in puredata (with or without GEM) by importing their coordinates (x,y) from a text file in txt or csv format?

    In what form should the coordinates be written in the txt file?
    Are there any examples?
    [pd 0.54.0 on Linux]

    Thank you,

    I realized now that it was probably better to write this post in "pixel#"... if you want you can move it...sorry.

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  • atux

    @oid said:

    @atux It is easy to get fixated on [list store] with all of its features, some things are easier to do with the other list objects.

    Nice, very interesting.
    Thank you,


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  • atux

    @manuels said:

    @atux You can use [list store] for that. It takes messages like [get 1 3( to output a sublist of three items starting with the first item of the list. Take a look at the help file to find out how it works in detail.

    Thanks, so it's like this:

    The only problem is that it is not circular, i.e. for example, executing [get 5 3( I would like it to extract [88 9 1(, but it doesn't work.

    Thank you,

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Internal error.

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