The default size on 43.4 is 5. That is almost always too small for my needs. 12 would be my preferred size.
Does anyone know how to change the default number box size?
Do you mean size or width?
@gsagostinho width
Maybe using some Tcl/tk magic you can create your own plugin (for instance, maybe it's possible to adapt the buttonbar plugin to create larger number boxes), but that's unfortunately something beyond my knowledge.
@gsagostinho Rats! I figured it would be an easy fix. Oh well, This could be a fun side=project. I've never dealt with the Tcl/tk side of things.
Rats! I figured it would be an easy fix.
Maybe it is and I am completely wrong! My post above was just a (hopefully educated) guess, but nothing beyond it. Maybe there is some hidden option or preference file located somewhere.
@gsagostinho Well I appreciate the response either way. BTW I posted on the pd mailing list. I'll report back with any advice from those grand wizards!
EDIT: Straight from Miller himself:
"It's in the C code - in g_text.c, search for a line,
x->a_text.te_width = 5;change the '5' and recompile."
Now I just have to find where this is...
Alternatively you can create numbers dynamically using messages:
[; pd-mypatch.pd floatatom 100 100 12 0 0 0 - - -(
Where 100 100 are the x y positions and 12 is the width.
Right click on a number box and go 'preferences' think you can change width in there. Don't think that will change the default tho so you'll have to do it fur each box individually.