Okay I think I've got this thank you very much. So...
In the main patch I havegrid2.pd
1st abstraction gridSamplerptest.pd takes the arg $0. (although if I want eight of these maybe I just give it a argument which is 1,2,3 etc?)…actually i would just copy and paste it 8 times
and they would have different $0 values inside them anyway….
Inside gridSamplerPtest I use the $1 to use the $0 from the main patch.
in the load.sample subpatch in gridSamplerPtest I load a sample. although for some reason when I go to properties on the array I’m not sure why but it ignores the “$” for the $0-table,so I’m getting errors at the moment.
There are also send and receive objects in load.sample that take the arg $0 because i want these to be unique to this particular gridSamplerPtest abstraction. the more important of these send and receive objects send data of the sample length and phase position.
in gridSamplerPtest i also have the abstraction voicePtest "$0" maybe this is irrelvant if im using $0 inside it?. making thesvoicePTest.pd particular abstractions unique to this gridSamplerPtest $0
inside voicePtest I use tabread4 table$1. $1 will ensure that it reads the table in gridSamplerPtest subpatch load.sample (when its not giving me errors) hopefully.
The pitch will vary between simultaneous button presses of voicePTest $0 . I need to make sure that the result of the value sent to adjust the pitch in an individual abstraction doesn’t send to another abstraction outside it…so with some objects where i don’t need to receive data from gridsamplerPtest I use $0 again so it only sends data with the abstraction its in.
This should work if I can work out whats happening with $0-table?
another note i have. Previously when i gave gridSamplerPtest an argument it was a number that correlated to an x y cordiniate on the monome grid based interface hardware.
so gridSamplePtest 1 would get received by an object such as x = $1. but I guess I got to use a different method to relate the number of gridSamplerPtest the rows located on the grid….