Hello, I want to send an array (1) from my main patch, to another array (2) that is within an abstraction, replacing the contents of array 2 in the process.
I want the size and the range of array 1 to also overwrite those properties of array 2, so that I can drop an array of any size and range into the master patch.
I have so far managed to overwrite the size of array 2 using [array size array-1], which allows you to get and change the size of an array, but I cannot find the equivalent for the range property. The [array] object has a couple of arguments, 'min' and 'max' that I thought might help, but they get the min and max values from the data in the array, not the actual min and max range from the array properties.
Does anyone know if there is a way to get min and max range properties from an array, and then set those properties to another?