@jameslo said:
Honestly, I didn't know if that was @fintg's requirement,
It's certainly a reasonable guess. If the requirement instead were "I just played something cool; write the last 10 seconds to disk" you can do that without a circular buffer at all.
I was just surprised and annoyed that one can only access the delay line's internal buffer at audio rate (and was hoping that someone would prove me wrong).
Access to the internal buffer wouldn't be very useful without also knowing the record-head position. In that case delwrite~ would need an outlet for the current frame being written.
That would actually be a very nice feature request.
In SuperCollider as well, DelayN, DelayL and DelayC don't give you access to the internal buffer. But you can create your own buffer and write into it, with total control over phase, with BufWr -- and, because you control the write phase, you already know what it is. It's quite nice way to do it.
Basically the lack of ipoke~ in vanilla causes some headaches.
Look at the hoops I have to jump through! The extra memory I have to use!
I don't think there is any way to do this without using some extra memory.
In a circular buffer, you have:
|~~~~~~ new audio ~~~~~~|~~~~~~ old audio ~~~~~~|
^ record head
When you write to disk, naturally you want the old audio earlier in the file. There are only two ways to do that. One is to write the "old" chunk without closing the file, and append the "new" chunk, and then close the file.
In SC, if I know the record head position, I'd do it like:
buf.write(path, "wav", "int24", startFrame: recHead, leaveOpen: true, completionMessage: { |buf|
buf.writeMsg(path, "wav", "int24", numFrames: recHead, startFrame: 0, leaveOpen: false)
AFAICS Pd does not support this, so you're left with duplicating new after old data. (FWIW, though, there's plenty of memory in modern computers; I wouldn't lose sleep over this.)
Then there is the problem of synchronous vs asynchronous disk access. AFAICS Pd's disk access is synchronous, and because the control layer is triggered from the audio loop, slow disk access could cause audio dropouts. OS file system caching might reduce the risk of that, but you never know. Ross Bencina's article about real-time audio performance advises against time-unbounded operations in the audio thread.
SC's buffer read/write commands run in a lower priority thread; wrt audio, they are asynchronous. This is good for audio stability, but it means that, by the time you get around to writing, the record head has moved forward. So, even though I could do the two-part write easily, I'd get a few ms of new data at the start of the file. I think I would solve that by allocating an extra, say, 2 seconds and then just don't write the 2 seconds after the sampled-held recHead value: startFrame: recHead + (s.sampleRate * 2)
. (If it takes 2 seconds to write a 10 second audio file, then you have bigger problems than circular buffers.) Then the record head can move freely into that zone without affecting audio written to disk.