I want to receive a pitch, but just for a moment, so it doesn't fluctuate.
I have this patch so far.
From the adc it receives a bass signal and I want to controll a synth with the bass pitch.
Receive data when bang happens
@Johny5 You can use [f]...... same as [float]
Connect your incoming stream of data from [sigmund~] to the right inlet and when you bang the left inlet you will get the current value on the outlet.
David. -
@Johny5 like this?
sigtirg.pdEdit: Opps, need to replace the [b] with a [sel 1]
@Johny5 Ours are essentially the same, I just used your [i] instead of adding a float, the only difference is that I replaced your [expr] with [>] which is considerably more efficient than [expr]. [expr] is best used for those things which are difficult to do with vanilla objects.