Not really Off Topic but anyway...
Is it time for a real, neat, fully functioning Pure Data Wiki
It could be useful to have a place to collect patches or links to Pure Data examples, use them to illustrate different synthesis techniques, or applications of PD and so on. Some of the threads on this forum provide a good overview of subjects like reverb, granular synthesis or handling midi polyphony and it would be great to be able to summarize what's been worked out here and put it into a neat form somewhere.
Does this exist already somewhere? Would people be interested in contributing to something like this? Would it be useful?
Starting a Pure Data Wiki (Database/Examples Collection)
Online Pure Data Jams: NetPD NetPD Discord
@lordgreekfolder cool - well, send me a message on here or use the email on the doc and I'll make you an editor!
and I wasn't referring to your comments!
Online Pure Data Jams: NetPD NetPD Discord
@beem It's a very good start and already will "PD help" a lot of people.
You won't be able you use hyperlinks like a true wiki until you have control of the content though.
And that will need content storage in the wiki...... so permission to copy...... or content creation..... and a faster host.But already it will let us use hyperinks in the forum and elsewhere to give people help with for example Pd Granular synthesis without having to scrape for links.
You should probably add the Floss manual even though it is very "extended" still.
In fact it should have a whole section on missing libraries and how to make old patches work in Vanilla...... with hyperlinks back to this forum and others.
Good work..! -
@beem Just found some excellent links on @katjav 's site.......
Not all the links are still valid but most are.
Like this one for the Arduino and Pd......
David. -
Another sample from the work-in-progress ...
I thought it would be worth having a category for these more self-contained collections
Modular Systems in Pd
ACRE - Virtual Guitar Effects Pedal Board Rack Malinette
Open toolkit for hardware and software interactive art-making systemsMandril Boxes Studio
http://www.netpd.orgNoxSiren Modular Synthesizer Polyphonic Player (UPP) - Virtual (Virtual) Devices
“a virtual modular-rack” from
A previous incarnation of Automatonism
any others that should be in there?
Online Pure Data Jams: NetPD NetPD Discord
Here is the beginning of a bookmark collection and general Pd resource in wiki form -
It's not very logical yet (some doubling up and vague categories) and the formatting is still a bit up in the air but it is a 'work in progress'. Anyone who can see some potential in it and wants to contribute can join wikidot and become an editor.
Online Pure Data Jams: NetPD NetPD Discord
@beem Just joined wikidot in the hope of helping out if I can. Is there anything I can do to help add to this? Seems like a really great resource that should be central to people encountering PD at all stages, let me know if there's anything I can do.
@beem You might be interested........ or are you already involved...?
It seems to be maintained.
David. -
@whale-av Hiya, that's my wiki. The ordering and selection of the links is fairly haphazard as I'm not actively using Pd currently and haven't taken the time to order all the links into a more appropriate set of subheadings. I'm a big proponent of putting everything on one page (until a page gets incredibly long, though there are still exceptions to this rule on my wiki). I'll eventually get around to nicking the links from any other wiki I find
Happy for the links to be nabbed from my wiki and used elsewhere.
Yes, I believe there is a need for a real, neat, fully functioning Pure Data Wiki. Such a wiki could serve as a valuable resource for Pure Data users of all levels of experience. It could provide a central location for collecting and sharing patches, examples, tutorials, and other resources. It could also be used to document best practices, troubleshooting tips, and other useful information.
I believe that there would be a lot of interest in contributing to a Pure Data wiki. There are many talented Pure Data users who would be willing to share their knowledge and expertise. A wiki would make it easy for them to do so.
I also believe that a Pure Data wiki would be a useful resource for the Pure Data community. It would make it easier for users to find the information, including the business information API they need, and it would help to promote the adoption of Pure Data.
I think I'm going to take it down soon, but for a work/training project I made a prototype database thing for pd that documents external objects w/brief descriptions about what they do, tags, and long description/documentation. Users could edit descriptions, docs, and tags of objects and libraries as well as search object or libraries by name, tag, or author.
http://puredatabase2-app-bucket.s3-website-us-west-1.amazonaws.comI guess it's not really a wiki but.. I thought such a database/wiki thing might also be useful