Changing the JackRouter.ini file, as suggested by @ whale-av, worked! But in parts ...
1º - I'm testing Jack on two Windows machines. A descktop and a notebook. Same version of PD and system.
2º - On both machines the JackRouter.ini file contained 4 channels as standard.
3º - On the notebook, when I started the PD, I got 4 channels on Jack. In the descktop the result is the print attached above.
4º - After changing the JackRouter.ini file on the notebook, I got the expected result. But ...
5º - In the descktop I still got two PD channels in Jack.
6º - I installed PD 0.48 on the descktop and Jack introduced me to the channels corresponding to those edited in the JackRouter.ini file.
7º - I tried the versions 0.49 and 0.50 of the PD in the descktop and I am still presented with only two channels in Jack, even reinstalling Jack and changing JackRouter.ini.
8º - In Cubase LE I also have the same problem ...

ps: sorry, english is not my native language