I started to rewrite the GUI of my fork Spaghettis < https://github.com/Spaghettis/Spaghettis >.
I'll probably use JUCE instead of Tk (in order to make the application embeddable later).
It will be a time consumming task. But all the next improvements depend of that.
Thus i'll only fix the bugs in the current master branch (probably for the next years).
In the upcoming version i finally decided to remove scalars and GOP.
I think it is necessary in order to split at most the core from the GUI.
The core manages property values and the GUI how to render them.
It will be also easier in the future to make all that scriptable.
Instead of GOP i'll implement a kind of "remote" view.
In that view all the GUI you want will be organized in a single dashboard.
One view for a patch and its subpatches.
A management of presets will be automatically handled in such view.
The idea is to make that view usable also as the interface for a plugin case.
That view could be handy for Raspberry Pi (and others) situations.
All that really smells vaporware. I don't plan much how i'll do that!
But since it is the beginning, it is the moment to have dreams.
If you have any ideas for great features that could be added, just tell me.
< https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/11738/spaghettis-yet-another-fork-of-pure-data >