my current thinking is...
for the static version of just sound cresting use 3 wave tables assembled with the 3 shapes representated below (sin(x=0 to 3/2pi), sin(x=(pi to 3/2pi)/2offset pi), and sin(x=pi-2pi).

as to whether this will auditorially speaking result in 0, I am unconcerned, i.e. just sum them and see what it sounds like/is it discernibly different from just osc.
if someone, can tell me how to get those wave tables, that would be great. thanks, in advance.
note: also found this:
which may lead us to a possible Dynamic osc~ of breaking-wave form, since I am pretty sure we can do this using [osc~] plus some fancy audio arithmetic, ex. a timer to [*~ 0] where any of the 3 forms are not present, etc.
thanks, also for any and all thought put into it.
just stumps me, why on one hand Nature makes perfect osc sound but does not do the same thing for liquids (matter?).
peace and love. may your day be blessed.