i think we found a simple solution with using iem_event instead of receivecanvas
Vanilla struct multislider with jump on click and drag
Here is a version that uses receivecanvas from iemguts. No click message is needed:
The receivecanvas objects (a bunch to support deep gop nesting) are created by dynamic patching, so that they would receive the click before the struct. This can possibly be done otherwise. It should also be possible to do it with iem_event.
mmslider.pd i think multislider-e3 is the best result so far. i modified it to control several parameters with several arrays. its no problem to make arrays invisible, and with recreating plot with dynamic patching it would be possible to change the visible order of the arrays.
theres is one strange thing about plot. the plot that is created last is visible in the foreground, and the one that is created first has the grabbing area in the foreground.
heres a different attempt where the order doesnt play a role. -
test3.zip a last test for today. it seems to be less cpu intensive in use to seperate the arrays than to put them all in one struct but it needs longer to close the patch.
m_slider_pvl_1.pd here is a new version. it controls the midi values pitch, velocity and length. right now its a little basic sequencer with a scaling function. it still needs the cyclone library for receivecanvas (which isnt a problem).
i tried to use the multislider as a motion sequencer. the upper sliders are for drawing, the lower ones are just a display of the upper sliders where the current slider is always the first slider. slidermotion2.zip
This was too fun to pass up and based on some other work I am doing, I thought I would go ahead and put this together.
It takes @Jona - @ingox work and rather than being any pitches between [0..127], the sliders (results) are scaled to only include those pitches which are allowed by the meta-modal+harmonics bridge (see: https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/13276/mmbh-metamodal-bridge-plus-harmony-filter). So it only allows you to select/set pitches which are in the selected mode-key.
It then routes the results to [fluid~] (with a program selector, for the FluidR3_GM.sf2 sound font).
Peace through Sharing.
Love through Music.-s
p.s. Just ask if you have any questions or need clarification.
p.p.s. Thank you, @Jona - @ingox. The multisliders are really cool. And think it would work well to create weights for [list-wrandom], ex. in making pseudo-random, "controlled"-random generators.