@whale-av Hey david... thank you for the input! I don't know if I entirely understand how to apply it myself --So I should throw a [rectangle] into the current gemwin and then adjust its size by eye until I find the correct proportions and thus apply these proportions to my [pix_texture]-->[rectangle] s? Also what do you mean when referring to "over-scanned so as to lose the bounding box"? Sorry for noobin out.
I'm currently using [pix_info] to inform [rectangle] dimensions via [pix_texture] in order to both scale-down and retain the aspect ratio of the original images, since all are different. I developed without a projector, in a smaller gemwin with 16:9 dimensions and everything looked great while using this scaling/aspect-ratio-retention patch. What'd ya think?
![Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 9.06.42 AM.png](/uploads/files/1462806913409-screen-shot-2016-05-09-at-9.06.42-am.png)