I'm trying to make my patches more Vanilla/libpd compatible:
I've been using [z~] for audio delay in PD-extended. What alternatives are there in Vanilla?
This patch currently contains katjaas' external, [helmholtz~] for pitch recognition as well as the .dll files needed for [vcf_bp6~] (Thomas Musil) to work. I am curious about the nature of externals in a Vanilla environment and the integration problems they might pose with libpd. It seems problematic (though I'm not sure if this is actually the case) to have a long list of abstractions/.dlls needed for your main patch to work. What is your general approach when you find vanilla objects insufficient? filter.zip Are abstractions better than .dlls?
[prvu~] is useful for monitoring amplitude when testing a patch. What can I use in Vanilla? Of course, since this is only needed for monitoring purposes, I don't need it for any kind of libpd patch, so for now, I could just copy the .dll into the folder...