@NoDSP said:
I just figured it out. I forgot I was using the other OS install on my multi-boot system. It uses the same desktop interface with a different theme and this is what was affecting the message window colors. So that issue is definitely on my end.
I had that problem a few years back with a default-installed dark theme. Never could figure out how to see text most times, couldn't even figure out how to see enough text to change it. I finally had to good lord--shades of the evil 'OS' that shall not be named re-install! lol
[quote]I'm pretty sure that my security settings are set too high for this site to function the way it was intended to function. I suspect the site may have been optimized for phones/tablets.
I respectfully disagree
This is actually one of the only websites that looks great on both my computer and my phone! What web browser are you using?[/quote]
I use firefox.
Maybe I have to enable third party cookies. But I hate to do that. Still trying to get this to work for me. Glad you have it working on your end. Thx.
I am almost certain there is at least one way to do what you want to do.
I haven't done much at all with gem yet, so I don't have any advice to offer other than read the manual. I found one online that was pretty good a while back. Don't have a link for it at this point, though.
I like your ideas and work posted above. Keep doing it, please!
Thank you for the reply.
I do not see any "looks like mail" button. I see just a blank area at the top. Yes, when I mouseover the blank area light blue squares appear and a tip rolls down. I see the little box creature. And some marks that look like Arabic cursive.
What I see copypasta:
4 out of 5
I had an account a few years ag...[/quote]
Well, that doesn't look like what I see.
I'm pretty sure that my security settings are set too high for this site to function the way it was intended to function.
I suspect the site may have been optimized for phones/tablets.
There may also be a font-loading issue involved.
I haven't given up yet. I'll have to try using another computer but this one I am using now is one of my main ones for web-work.
Seems like the order of my replies to myself here are in some sort of mystical order. Has the world of tech and computers and music just passed me by and kicked me to the curb? I find it extremely difficult to navigate this website. I used to program in '86 assembly language. Including at higher levels, C and C_+_+. I have designed software interfaces to be bullet-proof for entry level clerks. I am astonished at my consternation here. I must be missing something. Maybe I don't have java script turned all the way on?
Oh, now I see... If I click on the analog clock icon, the replies are sorted by date, newest on top. I might be wrong. I don't know yet for sure. Still trying.
It's me again. How come there is no ability to sort by newest posting date? I was trying to figure out if this forum was still active.
I still haven't figured it out... I saw some postings that were in the last few days but there's no sense (that I can easily discern) of any sort of order or sorting related to the way I understand time to work in this universe in the listing of the posts. I clicked on the clock icon, I tried many things. Maybe there is nothing as oldfashioned or quaint as time-related posts anymore?
Yes. More snarkiness on my part. But I am trying. Currently, I am trying to see if there has been any recent activity on this site. Is there any help file? Some kind of mapping clue?
I must confess, at this moment, I am at a loss. I am glad to have re-found this site, I think. I am reporting my thoughts and troubles as I try to make sense of this new-fangled site. Sincerely.
What happened to this fine forum? I'll try again, but seriously, what happened? It's like an asteroid hit this formerly fine site. This is my opinion. I haven't had time enough to see if there are any posts earlier than a month ago or so. I'm all for progress, but why make it unusable? Was it just a mistake? Or did an asteroid actually really hit? Yeah, that's a snarky comment. I'll try to use the site. Maybe I'll find it useful and be able to figure out how to contribute. Sincerely.
I have been exploring Pd more. I like what I am discovering.
I put up a few more examples over on soundcloud:
I titled them:
bluewaltz, and
a_crystal_world.These were captured during casual exploration. I did not keep detailed notes. Indeed, the driving force behind these was more about how they sounded, rather than process.
Basically, I wrote a few nasty/clumsy patches using seeded RNGs, ran an altered version of billystiltner's fractal sequencer patch (link here) for some of these new pieces. I sent signals from billy's patch back to my RNG patches in another window, triggered zynaddsubfx and hydrogen drum machine, and recorded it via audacity. I did a minimal amount of post-processing - removed some DC offset, edited out some sporadic clipping, amplified parts, added fades, and a few pitch/tempo shifts.
Any feedback, suggestions, hints or clues, etc. would be appreciated.
In the patch~ forum, billystiltner posted a link to his fractal sequencer patch with instructions.
I checked it out and I am having fun with it.
I wish I had a dollar for every hour I spent at my Apple ][ + plotting fractal objects on a television set. And that's before my first IBM PC clone. And before my first IBM PC AT clone, a 6MHz (with a turbo 8+MHz switch) machine that set me back ~$2500+ - before I bought the math co-processor and 512KB of extra memory. Not to mention the $500+ RLL 40MB HDD.
I recall waking up every few hours to check the plotting progress of various fractals on an amber monochrome display, running code fractint? hand-coded-in by me in assembler. You could see the pixels as they were being plotted. That was before I bought a CGA card and color monitor.
I'd settle for just a fractional portion of a dollar per hour spent on fractal stuff. LOL
Yesterday, I put up a link to the following soundscape in the patch~ forum thread:
Today, I tried to find some unusual or "less-traveled" orbits. That plus some new voicings for the zynaddsubfx synth. Of course, I made some tweaks to Billy's patch. More like hacks, though, since I am pretty new to Pd. I did come up with a few interesting items, two of which I link to here:
This is my first post.
I am running ubuntustudio 10.04LTS AMD64
I have a simple question.
Is any difference between (Pd version 0.42-5) & (Pd-extended 0.42.5)?
Pd ver 0.42-5 was in the standard repository and is what I have installed.
Thank you. I am looking forward to contributing here.
I just installed KXStudio over ubuntustudio12.04amd64 and found out that the 12.04 repository version of Pd did not work for me. I wanted Pd extended.
I found a deb binary here:
It works so far.
I haven't tried the poke~ yet. I may well have to compile it for this machine.
LOL The modifications and investigations are proceeding.
I've been putting some "chaos-type melodies" into a few pieces.
I put up an example of one of these over on soundcloud. I called it: "wooly_bolide"
It's a pretty fully filled-out piece. I had planned to add some decimated and granular vocals to it, but then developed a plan to use it as the soundtrack for an animated video. I wrote out what I thought was a nice story-board to the recorded music, but I think the visual I had been imagining outpaced the existing music and should probably come first. So I gave up trying to force the greater whole into a direction restricted entirely by the recorded music in what I ended up calling "wooly_bolide."
(Oops. Didn't mean to hijack your thread...)
I listened.
mohavila7te.phoenixgorf - I like the way it started, interplaying. Aspects were disturbing because when my machines glitch-fail, the sounds are similar. I was reminded of a passage in Godel, Escher, Bach where it was theorized that if it were possible to reproduce faithfully the sound of a high-quality speaker system undergoing destructive dissolution, (i.e., the speakers being destroyed by the signal) the re-creating speakers of the re-playing system must also undergo destructive dissolution. Heh. I loved @~8:14 - it almost made sense! And, I liked how it ended.
helmholtz2 - Glitchy @~3:50. Overall the feel was initially chaotic. Of course, as a part-time, parlor Ante-Neo-Neo-Discordian, I know that this is a good thing. lol At ~10:12, I remembered playing Tempest at a bar while slightly drunk. By ~28:05, I had forgotten about playing Tempest. But not before I remembered Pac-Man. lol And, of course, I had to remember Star Trek, the terminal/text game. lol And I remembered blue boxes and Cap'n Crunch whistles, and 2600 and Phreaking. At ~37:00 things changed. Nice groove @~38:20. At 49:30 there was a startling change. Maybe in equalization? I am hearing stuff here that is not in it. I suspect that I am hearing possibilities here, possibilities of other sounds. At ~52:38 nice relief to a classically dreamy feel. I thought the way it ended had special merit.
"bpdubstomp". Aptly named. It seems compressed. Flat, in a compressed sort of way. Maybe "stomped" would be a good word. The flat loudness seems to cause the piece to appear to display the qualities of a wall. Wall-like lol reminds me of an adobe wall. Or stucco. With interesting items such as bottlecaps, broken-glass fragments, and multicolored feathers embedded within. I liked the change at ~25:00 sounded like a super-charged glockenspiel or marimba. I liked what I took to be "close-up echo" at ~35:40 Echo. It sounded like a very small room resonance--like maybe a high-ceilinged tile-and-steel hallway in an abandoned psychiatric hospital. It was all I could do, to fight the impulse to pause it, fire up Pd, and wander off on my own exploratory travels. So, I'd be justified in saying "inspiring" lol. It gets kind of lyrical at ~48:00. At ~55:30 it felt like a groove was incipient. Nice electronic glitches coming at ~57:30.
I like the atmospherics @ ~1:03 reminded me of ancient science fiction movies from the glory days of that genre. It got pretty quiet at ~1:08 and I liked the section leading up to 1:34. At ~1:54, with the close-up echo again, I like the groove there.
@ 2:00:20 I had to go to the store, lol. Thank god I could pause it. My browser is Iron. Maybe another would work better. There was an abrupt end or sound dropoff @ ~2:24:00? I heard something @ ~2:33:45? but by ~2:35:29, it was definitely fine.
I recalled that I once got an incredible bass drum sound. I hung a large flat sheet of very lightweight aluminum foil vertically from fine thread attached (tiny holes through which the thread was passed once, then knotted with a three-pass overhand knot so as not to pull through the holes) at what I calculated should have been nodal points and struck it with thrown moistened (a bit more than damp, but not dripping) cotton balls. For pickup, I used a very thin piezo bender as a transducer. I amplified it greatly, recorded it, and then speeded it up. It was an awesome drum sound.
What a new horizon we have with Pd and related concepts.
Thanks, billystiltner. I like your work.
Wow. I am very excited by this granular stuff. I am relatively new here and have not had the opportunity to try any granular techniques in my own pure data stuff, but I can already see many possibilities.
I wonder what puredata version, DAW, and platform you are using to produce this?
Thanks for sharing this.