What happened to this fine forum? I'll try again, but seriously, what happened? It's like an asteroid hit this formerly fine site. This is my opinion. I haven't had time enough to see if there are any posts earlier than a month ago or so. I'm all for progress, but why make it unusable? Was it just a mistake? Or did an asteroid actually really hit? Yeah, that's a snarky comment. I'll try to use the site. Maybe I'll find it useful and be able to figure out how to contribute. Sincerely.
I had an account a few years ago, had a crash and new OS, never could find this again... until now.
It's me again. How come there is no ability to sort by newest posting date? I was trying to figure out if this forum was still active.
I still haven't figured it out... I saw some postings that were in the last few days but there's no sense (that I can easily discern) of any sort of order or sorting related to the way I understand time to work in this universe in the listing of the posts. I clicked on the clock icon, I tried many things. Maybe there is nothing as oldfashioned or quaint as time-related posts anymore?
Yes. More snarkiness on my part. But I am trying. Currently, I am trying to see if there has been any recent activity on this site. Is there any help file? Some kind of mapping clue?
I must confess, at this moment, I am at a loss. I am glad to have re-found this site, I think. I am reporting my thoughts and troubles as I try to make sense of this new-fangled site. Sincerely.
Oh, now I see... If I click on the analog clock icon, the replies are sorted by date, newest on top. I might be wrong. I don't know yet for sure. Still trying.
Seems like the order of my replies to myself here are in some sort of mystical order. Has the world of tech and computers and music just passed me by and kicked me to the curb? I find it extremely difficult to navigate this website. I used to program in '86 assembly language. Including at higher levels, C and C_+_+. I have designed software interfaces to be bullet-proof for entry level clerks. I am astonished at my consternation here. I must be missing something. Maybe I don't have java script turned all the way on?
I like the "unread" (looks like mail) button too, it's quite helpful.
Not sure what your exact issue is but I get little tooltips when I mouse over buttons.I suppose the question is, if you are missing something then what is it that you are missing?
.. the forum was ported over to this a few months ago btw
p.s. the little box creature in the top left takes you home
Thank you for the reply.
I do not see any "looks like mail" button. I see just a blank area at the top. Yes, when I mouseover the blank area light blue squares appear and a tip rolls down. I see the little box creature. And some marks that look like Arabic cursive.
What I see copypasta:
4 out of 5
I had an account a few years ag...[/quote]
Well, that doesn't look like what I see.
I'm pretty sure that my security settings are set too high for this site to function the way it was intended to function.
I suspect the site may have been optimized for phones/tablets.
There may also be a font-loading issue involved.
I haven't given up yet. I'll have to try using another computer but this one I am using now is one of my main ones for web-work.
I'm pretty sure that my security settings are set too high for this site to function the way it was intended to function.
I suspect the site may have been optimized for phones/tablets.
I respectfully disagree
This is actually one of the only websites that looks great on both my computer and my phone! What web browser are you using?
It is true that the site is only partially functional w/out javascript enabled. I know the code base of the old site was obsolete but I can understand why habitual java-blockers (like myself) would prefer it.
On the positive side I notice that the left side "local" reply window I am typing in is now readable! Not sure it was something I did or a change to the site but before it was a black window with dark gray lettering. I had to really squint to even notice there was text in the window. The right side "remote feedback" window was and is normal black on white so before I had to type & wait to proofread. Much better now hope it stays that way.
I just figured it out. I forgot I was using the other OS install on my multi-boot system. It uses the same desktop interface with a different theme and this is what was affecting the message window colors. So that issue is definitely on my end.
[quote]I'm pretty sure that my security settings are set too high for this site to function the way it was intended to function. I suspect the site may have been optimized for phones/tablets.
I respectfully disagree
This is actually one of the only websites that looks great on both my computer and my phone! What web browser are you using?[/quote]
I use firefox.
Maybe I have to enable third party cookies. But I hate to do that. Still trying to get this to work for me. Glad you have it working on your end. Thx.
@NoDSP said:
I just figured it out. I forgot I was using the other OS install on my multi-boot system. It uses the same desktop interface with a different theme and this is what was affecting the message window colors. So that issue is definitely on my end.
I had that problem a few years back with a default-installed dark theme. Never could figure out how to see text most times, couldn't even figure out how to see enough text to change it. I finally had to good lord--shades of the evil 'OS' that shall not be named re-install! lol