Does anybody know of a patch or abstraction for playback of an 8 channel octophonic composition through binaural?
I know there are some VST plugins that do this but I'd like to achieve it in Pd if possible.
Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
iPad template for MobMuPlat now available via GitHub repo...
Video demo:
i downloaded the ggee library of deken but it only has the vbap help file, the object isn't included. does anybody know where else I might be able to source it from? Thanks
@solipp said:
this is such a great collection, thank you for sharing with all of us
i'm fairly new to Pd, was wondering how difficult it might be to create a 7.1 preset in the spat8 patch? (ie Front L, C, R. Side L R. Rear L R, and sub?)
I tried just moving the speakers into position which worked but when I save and re-open it reverts to octophonic.
Any guidance will be greatly appreciated, thank you.