I create a patch with an object that is a physical model synthesiser.
I think the patch is well made and not complex at all, but I have bigs problems with the cpu. In fact when I play the instrument the latency is too much. I have also some digital distorsion.
Could someone more expert than me get a look to my patch?
Thank you
vs.gain~-help.pd lmnts~.pd_darwin
vs.gain~.pd lmnts~-help.pd lmnts.pd mallet-lmnts.pd -
Hi @whale-av,
I'm trying to understand how clone works, so I found this post.
I would like to control one parameter of my cloned synth separately for each instances, for example to have different note's volumes.
I tried to use 'this' and 'next' messages. So I create 'this $1 parameter $2', then in my abstraction I recuperate the signal through the first inlet and I route it to volume. I did the same with 'next'.
But it doesn't work, I guess it works in a different way.What I'm doing wrong?
Thanks you
is there anybody who is using the mutable instruments objects (lmnts, rngs etc...) made by Marks Harris?
I tried to make a patch with them but I have got strange results. My patch works well if I use it alone, but if I duplicate it in the same project or on a new one it seems like those objects create a MIDI and audio overflow.
this is my patch for elements
those are the object, help and code
lmnts~.pd_darwinAny ideas?
@alexandros I tried again and now it's working. I made a mistake using route object.
Thanks. -
@alexandros I tried, but it didn't work to me.
I found a very easy solution. I just send (with send-receive objects) the parameter I want control to all the clones instances at the same time using the same send/receive tag.
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to build a polyphonic synth which let me control many parameters with midi cc.
First I create a synth. Then I use the object clone to multiply it.
Then I used the objects poly to have many voices of polyphony and it works well, but apparently poly use only note and velocity informations.
So I tried to create a second inlet on my clone object to control one of the synth's parameters. The result seems to be random and it affect only one synth's instances.
I'm blocked at this point.
Can someone show me the way?
Yes. When noteout is connected, the patch send note on and off at the same time (as in the video). So it works like a normal percussion pad. But when noteout is not connected, the patch works well.
I replicate the same patch on max 7 and it works well. But if the pure data's patch is open (and noteout I connecte) while I'm using the max's patch, this one stop to work. I don't know how to explain that.
I upload some videos :
PuredataNoteSwitch.mov MaxNotesSwitch.mov MaxPuredataNoteswitch.mov
my patch is similar to yours. I can post it, but the problem is the same : the patch changes behaviour when connected to [noteout].
NB I tried to connect only the first output of [pack] to [noteout], but it doesn't solve the problem.
Thank you again!
I know it should be impossible, but it happens. I upload a video to show you.
I'm using a synth (Surge) but it's the same with others. I tried also with Ableton and I have the same problem.
Hi whale-av,
thank you too for your reply.
Your patch present a similar situation to Ingox's one. If I send the note on trough the message box and if the notein is not connecting to the second noteout the patch works well with reaper. But if both noteout are connecting at the same time, note on and off are sent at the same time twice. At least, using no.n, and disconnecting the first noteout (which is linked to message box), the patch is not working.
It seems like noteout is the problem
@ingox said:
Hi Ingox,
thank for your reply.
I tried your patch and it works on pure data, but it still doesn't work when I connect to my daw.
In fact the problem is the patch change the behaviour when the final object is noteout. If you check the data trough print without connecting noteout we have at the first stroke note on and at the second one note off.
But if you connect it to noteout then note on and off are send again at the same time with every stroke. -
I'm trying to use pure data as MIDI filter before to entry to my DAW (Reaper) because I would like to modify the behaviour of a percussion midi device. The device send the message note on and off at the same time but I would like to use the percussion pad like a trigger. So with first stroke note is on and stay, second stroke note is off.
I'm able to do it entirely on pure data to control an oscillator or a sampler, but I'm not able to replicate this behaviour when I send midi message to the DAW trough noteout object. In fact I can send note on and stay to reaper but any note off.
Can someone explain me the right way to do that?