• inum

    Thanks a lot for all the answers, really amazing ideas!!

    This Log Exp trick is really amazing!!!

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  • inum


    Is it possible to operate on all the instances of a [clone] object by multipling all of them (making a big AM/ring modulation of all the signals)?


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  • inum

    Thanks a lot!

    This is what I managed to do with [clone], it seems to be a strange solution, a toggle feedback for doing vertical chords (all the notes at the same onset). Any other proper solution?


    Here is patch.

    synth.cl.pd chords-clone.pd

    BTW any other solutions/ideas for doing arppegios are welcome...

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  • inum


    Is it possible to make a polyphonic synth that receive chords as an array/list of values? Something like this MIDI patch:


    I've tried it using [clone] but could not manage to send the lists to the clone object. Here is the hard coded version that I am using:


    Any externals for dealing with that?

    And here the patch. polyphony-chords-as-arrays.pd

    Thanks a lot!

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  • inum

    For connecting the [rand~] and [maximum~] path to the [delwrite~] they way to go is using [snapshot~], right?

    Is there any alternative way to do what this branch is doing using only control rate and no audio signals?

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  • inum

    Thanks a lot you all!!!

    @ddw_music I asked myself the same, but I tested the Max patch and it did not explode... Maybe there is a internal protection in this [fffb~] object...

    @whale-av I was searching for a [fffb~] port because it is more efficient way of creating a filter banks. I guess you push it really further (hundreds of filters) then it makes a difference.

    @jameslo how did you make [inlet~] with a second outlet without having to pass a fwd message?

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  • inum

    Hi all!

    How can I port this patch to Pd?

    image.png from

    I could not find any proper alternative to [fffb~] (filterbank external is not accepting freq, Q and gain values). The alternative for [uzi] and [zl] is only throught cyclone external?


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  • inum

    I am facing a similar problem. I was working on de-subpatching timbre-ID examples and at some point the patch only works on puur data. On vanilla it complains about not having the declared arrays, although it is working fine on puur data:

    soundfiler read: 0-timbreID-set: no such table
    0-timbreOrder: no such object 
    0-timbreOrder: no such object 

    Could this be some kind of UTF/ASCII problem ? It seems that pd vanilla is eating the $...

    I am on windows 11, pd 0.52.2 puur data 2.17.0( pd 0.48.0)

    here is the patch:
    grain-player-unit-abs.pd (should be inside a lib folder)

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Internal error.

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