Hey Seb,
thanks a lot for pointing me in this direction. I've got breakpoints back working, however of all the tof stuff everything works except for the mknob which makes pd crash...
That means some patching but then that's ok...!!!
because of rather cumbersome asio implementation, I just switched to the 0.53 32bit vanilla build. After quite some searching I have a couple of externals which I just can't seem to have working.
- knob.dll : this one resides in flatspace and flatgui libraries, but any of them makes pd just crash
- tof/breakpoints is just missing and I can't seem to find where this one resides
- vst~.dll doesn't want to load either but then I found that there's vstplugin~ which will probably be a lot better implemented than the old one, so that's not really an issue, just some happy patching time ...
Could someone please point me in a direction for the first two issues. Are there some replacements for these objects? Knob can be easily replaced with a slider of course, so that's not to problematic, but the breakpoints object was really nice.
Here's a little remix of our monsterhit -----------.
In all honesty, only the beats are sequenced with pd, all the other stuff are soft-synths, so it's a bit cheating to post it here, but i take the risk of being banned for life from the forum
I hope nevertheless that this little track can bring you a little xmas-joy...
@whale-av Thanks for the advice David. However i've tried all possible combinations and the asio drivers won't show up. In the end i downloaded the latest stable build from Miller which seems to have a much better asio implementation than the old extended. Fortunately all the old externals (like vst~, cyclone, zexy, flatgui,...) still seem to behave pretty fine. The only thing still bothering now is the fact that the default font and all gui stuff have changed, so my setup looks rather different now, but i'll take that in favour of the the improved asio implementation...
Still using pd extended 0.43 here on windows 10 in combination with and rme fireface using the asio drivers. However, since a couple of days the asio drivers (in pd) went missing. When opening the audio settings, normally in the input/output devices I can select the rme asio, but now it's just 2 empty dropdown-buttons.
Anyone any idea where pd looks to fill up these lists and how I could get my rme asio drivers back?
Hey EEight. Thanks a lot for cleaning up my mess
But it's still strange because the first thing I tried was also just pasting in the url I copied from my soundcloud track, but this also showed nothing in the preview.
I already found out how to post a soundcloud url in a topic. It's rather strange though. I used the hyperlink button and copy/pasted the soundcloud url in between the brackets but it didn't show anything in the preview pane. I then added a slash (/) at the end of the url, et voilà, the url appeared in the preview (and in the topic after I posted it).
I've created a new message in the output~ section but wanted to copy in a url to the soundcloud version of the song. When I looked at the topic I saw that the url wasn't showing up so I tried to delete the topic, but now there seems to be only an empty header without body at all. It's about this topic:
Could this be removed, because I can not edit it anymore? And then how do I paste a soundcloud url in a new topic?
Thanks a lot,
Totally unexpected, but a great move indeed. Thanks to all who make this possible.