• ChicoVaca

    Thanks to the both of you! I'll look further into this.

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  • ChicoVaca

    @whale-av said:

    Pd will be playing them at 44100 or 48000 samples per second (which you have set for your sound card in the Pd media settings).
    So 4000 samples will be played in about 1/10th of a second.

    Hi David, thanks for your answer. I don't know if I understood you, but I meant that the sample rate that [soundfiler] outputs (via a list in its right outlet) it's 4000 per second (so the two second file is actualy 8000 samples long) and not 44100. So, from what I understand, it's not reading the actual sample rate, that's what I'm not understanding. My sample rate is set to 44100Hz in preferences.
    The other thing is, soundfiler doesn't always read the same sample rate, from what i've tested, it varies from file to file.... so I can't make definitive calculations for all samples... I'm at loss.

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  • ChicoVaca

    Hi people, I've been making a little sampler following the instructions of Kreidler's book. It took me a while but I managed to understand how it really works, pretty neat. Nevertheless I noticed a problem with soundfiler. I'm loading my samples via {openpanel]. Sadly, altough the patchs' logic is right, the samples I load into it are playing with higher pitch. While debugging, I noticed that [soundfiler] outputs via its right outlet a really low sample rate (it varies, for an A440 sine 2 seconds long, it outputs a sample rate of 4000), so it makes sense that the samples are playing at a higher pitch. Why does this happen? I'm kinda sad that this happens. Thanks in advance!

    The example is, here's the links to the book's page:

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  • ChicoVaca

    @porres Thanks man, I really appreciate all your work.

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  • ChicoVaca

    @porres One last thing: Is there some function to encapsulate selected objects?

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  • ChicoVaca

    yeah! That's actually what I'm realizing. Triggerize just blew my mind haha. Thanks for your answer! I got all working.

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  • ChicoVaca

    Hi! I'm recently switching to Pd vainilla from purr-data, because it was too buggy for me. The problem is i'm really missing the auto completion for objects and auto connect (when you have, for example, one object selected and create a new one, they're automatically connected). Is there a way to implement this in pd vainilla? I'm also missing the snap to grid option. Thanks!

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