• cfry

    @ben.wes i had not have the time to test yet, but ill do it as soon as possible. Thanks for trying to solve this.

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  • cfry

    It goes into edit mode but I can not interact.

    I switch between edit and performance mode all the time when I code.

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  • cfry

    I am on mac os Monterey and pd 0-54-1.

    Randomly can not edit, have to close and reopen subpatch. Happens quite freqently.

    Anyone else have this problem?


    It happens with pd-0.55-0 too.

    I am using [pd-mypatch vis $1( on the parent sub patches.


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  • cfry

    @jyg Ahh, that makes sense, thanks. Upgrading to the same pd version number seemed to fix it.

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  • cfry


    When opening a patch made on mac/osx (pd 0.54.1) on a rpi/patchbox os (pd 0.51-4) some of the patch connections are changed! It is quite hard to detect on first glance, just a few here, and a few there.

    Is this a know issue? I thought pd projects did not break when using different versions/os!

    EDIT: I upgraded to 0.54.1 on both machines and it seems to work.

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  • cfry

    @oid Allright, I will try to do some safety net to make sure connections are sane. That should do it. Thank you so much for your cool patch I will continue working on understanding it! ;)

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  • cfry

    @oid thanks for the update. Its really cool but I got a lot of errors from Pd not finding a matching send/receive and that was sort of expected, but it also only works if you enable disable connections in a specific way. Try my version with the synth to see what I mean:


    I think Pd disables the r~/s~ if it accidentally becomes duplicates of the s~.
    ...why can not Pd have a single send and receive object that accepts both multiple sends and receives at the same time... but I am just guessing what the problem may be.

    EDIT: Would it make sense to mix the dynamic patch approach with using cyclones matrix~ for signal domain and vanilla s/r for control domain?

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