hey it's me back again. I was asking my self if it was possible to make my pure data patch's looks like my own software, not to change the gui but maybe put all the control knobs etc into a new window wich would look like a brand new synth.
So is this possible (and also not very hard to do) ?
Thank you
Is this possible to make your own gui for pure data ?
@Master_Chang Hello again Master Chang....... if you were Bruce Lee you would do it like this.........
Sorry, sincerely........
You can make "sub-patches" appear in your patch by using what is called a "gop"...... graph on parent....
Any patch that you make can be used as an "abstraction" (I know, it is not easy) in another patch....What that means is that there is a very powerful tool that you can use in Pd..........
If you make a patch called in this example "guts.pd" then you can use it in any other patch.
It is a bit (no..... really A LOT) like putting [osc~ 440] in a patch................So in [my_patch] in the zip I have put an object........ [guts.pd]... You cannot see it's name because I have hidden it.......... but it is where you see the "knob". The "knob" is actually in the subpatch "guts.pd"..........
If you open it (right-click..... open) you will see its contents. You will see a red rectangle. It is there because I have right-clicked within the guts.pd patch and "ticked" a few boxes..........
............. try it!
Anything within the red box will appear on the parent patch (one level up).....In parent_patch.pd "PUT" another object "guts" and see what you get.
It's quite exciting at this point and gets rapidly more complicated! Come back here when you get lost!!!
David. -
yeah thanks that's a really good thing I will try this with other patches. but with this technic you can't replace the skin of the knob's add baground image etc. is there any tuto or something that explain this methode ?
anyway thank's i'll keep you updated
@Master_Chang You can change the background colour.... but not much (or any more) I think. Maybe, for some gui's, change the gui colour as well.... and make it change colour when selected.... etc.
Pd is not known for its great gui's............
This is about as good as it gets for making a "good looking" patch............
If you download that then you can look inside it to see how it is "done"......
David. -
look @ katjav
gui-extended-v2. -
thank you i will try this things and keep you updated