Hey guys, im working on theming my gui and have been struggling with changing the color scheme of the array graph.
I can't find any option in pd-gui.tcl to change the color of the lines. Is it even able to be changed?
Heres my current scheme:
# color scheme
set ::canvas_fill "#303030"
set ::text_color "#ffffff"
set ::select_color "#ff7200"
set ::dash_outline "#888888"
set ::dash_fill "#555555"
set ::box_outline "#888888"
set ::graph_outline "#888888"
set ::atom_box_fill "#555555"
set ::msg_box_fill "#555555"
set ::obj_box_fill "#555555"
set ::signal_cord_highlight "#fff600"
set ::signal_cord "#00868a"
set ::signal_nlet $signal_cord
set ::msg_cord_highlight "#fff600"
set ::msg_cord "#ff3e8a"
set ::msg_nlet "#ff3e8a"
set :mixed_nlet "#88aaff"
Thanks in advance.