Hello, I just began working with Pure Data and I want to mix for example 2,3 or even 50 oscillators. The problem is that I want read frequencies of each oscillator from an array, sum up each oscillator frequency and play it all mixed together. Here is my prototype array_osc.pd unfortunately there's only playing last tone from the array. Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer suggestions!
Oscillators array/buffer player
One [osc~] object can only ever make one pitch, which is defined by the argument. If you want to have 50 oscillators playing at the same time, then you need to create 50 oscillators.
Damn! I thought maybe there's some object that could store just accumulated signals. Thanks anyway!
Is there any way to create oscillators dynamically?
@krom This will give you some ideas. I think that it does more than you need, but I put it together for someone else a while ago and it will give you a few ideas about building your patch dynamically. The "forks" are all oscillators, with other attributes that you will need to strip out. The master patch is "Jeremy"
David. -
In Pd-extended, open Pd's help browser -> Manuals -> pd-msg and check the stuff there. You can create objects dynamically, but you'll most likely get clicks because if the audio is running and you add new signal object Pd has to re-calculate the DSP chain. It's a long discussion that has been made, especially on Pd's mailing list, quite some times.
Pd is not ideal for dynamic patching, but it's worth giving it a shot, you'll learn quite some stuff..