Hi... I've been trying to install Miller's bob~ filter external but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm on Windows 7 and I have created a folder called /pd which is located in /users/me/appdata/roaming/ and placed all of the files from the bob~ github page in there but it still wont open in pd. Could someone please advise me on what I'm doing wrong.
Many thanks.
can't install bob~
which version of Pd do you use, and what file are contained in [bob~]s' GitHub?
it's pd_extended and this is the github page: https://github.com/metabr/pure-data/tree/master/extra/bob~
I downloaded the master folder which contained all of the files contained on the github page. I then placed them in C:/users/me/appdata/roaming (on windows 7). I dont know if this is how i should have done it but I do know that this approach worked when installing the vst~ external a while ago so im assuming it should be the same here.... only it's obviously not is it seeing as it hasn't worked.
did you compile it?
Not as far as I know. how do i do that?
@liamorourke use this compiled version (from pd vanilla):
bob~-help.pd(rename upload-24...dll to bob~.dll)
Cheers~ -
thanks a lot. Do I just place them into the appdata/roaming/pd folder then? Sorry I'm a bit new to this.
okay i just tried that. and it has worked perfectly. Thank you very much. Probably a good idea if i spend an hour or two reading up on compiling software now. ANyway... thanks again