Hi all,
I've spent the last couple of weeks putting together a Pure Data based streaming radio station and it's finally at the point where I'm happy to let people know about it.
The system is a python script controlling PD and is able to load and fade between patches, the output of which is then streamed over the net. The whole thing is running off a cheap VPS server but it seems to be holding up well.
You can listen to it currently by going to http://radio.rumblesan.com and there are more details available on the technical stuff at my blog, rumblesan.com
One of the things I'm hoping is that I can get some other people involved in this. I have lots of ideas and things I'd like to add in future, but the first thing that really needs doing is making more patches. Lots more patches!
Over the weekend I'm going to write up how the control and interface stuff works and all the info needed for people to create patches. All the code and the patches made so far are up on GitHub if people want to have a look, links are in the blog post.