Hello to everybody,
I would discuss with you about some good philosophy for organize PD patches in order to have the most number of projects ready to work in a given time.
I have an intensive work on PD for digital music creation and development. For me is usual spend a lot of time when I re-open an old working project and find it doesn't work now, because in the meanwhile I have optimized some self made abstraction or external.
If you use the same abstractions/externals in more than a patch (I hope;-), often is necessary and useful make them better to improve your current projects, but the old project architectures now are probably out of order... THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM FOR ME.
yesterday I found out a trick, perhaps many of you know it or have a better method.
Is possible to refer to your patches from any part of your hard disk by writing a path on the actual object you create inside PD e.g.:
C:/pd/synth/myabstraction [example of absolute path]
../synth/myabstraction [example of relative path]
So if you want to use the object delay you have in your computer, then make a new object and write on it [C:/pd/dsp/delay] if this is the path.
MY METHOD is this:
I have a folder named "pd" and subfolders named synth, dsp, external etc... I refer from every new project I do.
---> this is my environment for development
Every time I start a new project I save it inside this folder and I refer to the abstraction/externals I use by writing RELATIVE paths on the new objects.
When the project is finishes (ok, works is enough I simply save a pd folder CLONE in another part of my hard disk and I name it with the project name.
In this way I continue to develop the "pd" folder, make new projects, BUT the old ones are well separated and... EVERY TIME WORKING for me.
what do you think about?
Have good pd projects !