When I was trying to run this file, there's an error saying "
lb -init
... couldn't create
lb -init
... couldn't create
lb -init
... couldn't create
Does anyone have any idea?
I think it may be related to [output~], because once I placed [output~], these errors jumped out.
lb -init couldn't create
@auaa I cannot find a version of [output~] that would produce those errors.
If you can find it in your install then replace it with this one......
And if not then just put the version I have posted into your Pd/extra folder and reopen your patch.If the copy I have posted is the same as what you already have then the errors must be coming from [wsprobe~].... Where did you find it, or did you create it?
David. -
@whale-av Hi, I have sorted it out yesterday, and the [output~] is actually from package ELSE. I did use a self-defined [wsprobe~]. The problem is I have only installed ouptut~.pd, but it seems like that the whole ELSE package should be installed, then it's done.