@zxcvbs Untested, but should be good......... op.pd
[s~] [r~] can only have one [s~].
[throw~] [catch~] can only have one [catch~].
That was maybe the problem.
I have built you a matrix inside [pd algo2]
Look inside at [pd matrix] and I have built 2 messages for algo1 and algo7.
You will easily be able to build the others.
I think this is the easiest way although in extended you could use [matrix~ 4 5].
Anyway, I hope that is good for you.
The 0.5 values are because you are adding 2 outputs together in algo7, but that might be wrong for you and maybe they should also be "1".
You could add some logic to decide on "0.5" or "1" depending on whether operators are actually on or off.