• zxcvbs

    @weightless said:

    atch is very counterintuitive, I'll do my best to try and explain what's going on. Let's forget about polyphony and consider one voice.
    The PMops abstraction is the single voice, inside it are the three operators (PMop, both badly named sorry) and the tables subpatch. The basic st

    hi, i really thank you for the help i'm working on that fm project will expand on this, when i finish that patch. Do you have any resources to learn about fft, block, window, oversampling manipulation, be it with pure data or other sound design programming tools, so i can transfer that knowledge? the manuals i saw, are great but doesn't expand that deeper.

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  • zxcvbs

    hi @whale-av i really thank you, i was stuck on this.
    Meanwhile here is the rest of the algorithms 1.pd
    i will upload the rest of the patch when i finish the other modules.
    Something curious is happening with purr data, this patch is not working, most of the algorithms sound the same.
    But in extended, it is working properly.

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  • zxcvbs

    Hi great patch, this is way over my knowledge. I'm trying to dissect your patch on PMop.pd and tables.pd to use tabreceive and tabsend with phase modulation,
    my catch and try solution is working bad when i start to create several routing algorithms https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/12256/fm-routing-algorithms
    Do you have a more simpler version to at least learn the inner working of two oscillators with phase modulation with tables?

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  • zxcvbs

    I'm using purr data, my problem is that only one route works if i select the other there is no sound.
    I have to manually delete the route that sounds to hear the other.
    In the patch i have
    D>C>B>A and D+C>B>A

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  • zxcvbs

    I think is something with catch and throw limitations.operadores.pd
    I'm in the work, i could not connect it right here, or create default values but the main issues are once you have the two routes connected proprerly, it will sound in just one of them.
    Perhaps i have to use tabosc4 or sinesum, do you have any basic examples to use with fm, i found https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/10745/3-op-fm-synth-with-mod-matrix/3 but is over my head

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  • zxcvbs

    Hi i'm trying to recreate this algorithms with pd, my problem is that after creating the first route the second does not make noise, although the first route is disabled. (only one has control of the output signal)
    Tried to use send and receive audio, but they even cant make sound


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