Hello. I'm messing about with creating envelope generators in Pd using arrays.
I've tried to make the array's settings easily changeable to allow it to work for amplitude, pitches and other uses, using variables sent to a message for the array.
But I've found that most of the time with this setup I just patched up I will, with a lack of better words, break Pd, get a bunch of error messages in the terminal and number boxes will stop showing changes, alongside dragging in values on the array.
The patch in questions and the error message is shown here:
The values shown in the picture work fine, those are set up as an amp envelope. Changing certain parameters will break it, I can't quite be sure which. Sometimes I will just get the "graph: empty bounds rectangle" message, which will usually be followed by the more verbose error message.
The changes seem to be made, but it just won't show it. I have to completely quit Pd and open it again for it to return to normal.
As soon as the error message occurs, the number boxes will freeze and add "..." to the end, as if the number shown exceeds the width of the box, which is not the case.
I assume I'm running Pd into a wall, placing values that are out of bounds for the given array, but I can't tell how and why. It's my first venture into using graphical envelopes, I've usually just used the more primitive version of line ramps and delayed signals to get regular adsr envelopes.
Can anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong here?
I'm running vanilla 0.47.1 on a Macbook Pro running El Capitan.
Thank you.