With added format, both ways give the exact same results: cleaner-edit2.pd
I enjoyed that film...... and @ingox beat me to it......
@youaresound [packOSC] is setting the values as integers, and [oscformat] is setting them as floats...105 = i... 102 = f
Are the messages getting through to Tuio using [cleaner].......? It would be good to know if it cares whether it receives a specific type.I have to say that I still prefer "Extended" for more reasons than I can remember.
But I will remember this one.......
Here you go....... solved........cleaner2.pd
David. -
@whale-av haha, what film? didn't get the reference...
just curious is it necessary to specify a float with format if a message were to contain both floats and integers.
The messages now look exactly the same but it is still not sending the tuio messages in the way it expects.
the (tuio 2Dcur set) message i am sending is actually
float float int int int float. or possibly all floats.i really appreciate the feedback, i had no idea how to even go about it as the help file was not clear to me.
even using packOSC which works the connection can break easily. the tuio client itself is very picky. when a float becomes an integer it can break the connection.
@ingox..... I was watching a good film on TV..... you would not have beaten me to posting the solution otherwise....
@youaresound The Tuio spec is horrible...... https://www.tuio.org/?specification
It seems that it expects a bundle of messages in the correct order, that fill a UDP packet.
What is more...... some messages expect a mixture of floats and integers.
So a 2D set message expects......
int32, float32(range 0-1), float32(range 0-1), float32, float32, float32
It might not be all that interested though............ as a "bundle" has to be sent../tuio/2Dcur source application@address /tuio/2Dcur alive s_id0 ... s_idN /tuio/2Dcur set s_id x_pos y_pos x_vel y_vel m_accel /tuio/2Dcur fseq f_id
and for each bundle that changes parameters (not redundant) the fseq frame_id must be incremented. Reading, and nearly understanding some of it, I guess it should look like.....
/tuio/2Dcur source Pd /tuio/2Dcur alive s_id0 ... s_idN /tuio/2Dcur set s_id x_pos y_pos x_vel y_vel m_accel /tuio/2Dcur fseq f_id
I searched my old backups...... and found this....... tuio_works.pd which seems to claim (in its name) that it was working. The send/receive names suggest that it is yours, or something we worked on previously......
David. -
man thank you david. it works now. thanks for reviewing the documentation.
just had to specify int float. in the message.