Hi All
Compliments of the season!
Been quite a while since I was here but just trying to do a simple task of extending note in so that I can have abstraction that includes channel and note number. Not sure what Im doing wrong but it seems like there is a lag in checking and when used in multiple instances, there is some sort of interaction going on...they definitely dont operate independently. Thanks
NoteIn: Is there an elegant simple notein that includes note number as args?
2.5 billion genomes in 2.5 nanometres...now thats what I call data compression! Language of Life...love it
@image_engine This could do it: filter_note.pd
Thanks greatly @Ingox ... one question...why prepend and not pack? Very elegant!...I was barking up the wrong tree all day...pack just doesnt seem to work...good to know why
2.5 billion genomes in 2.5 nanometres...now thats what I call data compression! Language of Life...love it
@image_engine [pack] will work, but as always the order of operations is crucial.
Have a look here...... https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/11190/how-to-synchronize-two-control-signals
David. -
@image_engine Since [route] cuts off the first element, it is a natural ally to [list prepend] for filtering stuff.
Take a look at my example above on how the right and the middle outlet of [notein] only go to cold (passive) inlets. Only the left outlet triggers hot inlets. So from the left outlet it bangs all the way down (or in this case it floats all the way down
). You can use this technique to avoid unwanted behavior and keep the order of operations tidy at all times.
[list prepend] enables you to push a value to the left of a list while using the cold inlet to add the value.
The reason your posted patch doesn't work is that it doesn't respect right-to-left order. First the [expr] is banged, later the value of the [expr] is set. This cannot work.
This is also the reason you should always use [trigger] (short [t]) when sending to two or more hot inlets to keep your code clear and clean.
@ingox @whale-av Thank you so much. This makes a lot more sense. Wasted a whole day beating my head...its been a couple of years since I used Pd but forgot the excellent support at this forum can makes things so much clearer...
So now Im redoing some of those old pieces of code but Ill move those questions to another thread for the sake of others.
2.5 billion genomes in 2.5 nanometres...now thats what I call data compression! Language of Life...love it