Hi guys, I'm wondering how to do a simple patch that would limit the audio signal below 1.0, before entering the dac~? Am trying to save my ears. I already have a hip~ 5 to get rid of some of the DC Offset clutter, but something like [<~ 1] would be great. I guess this was easier with PD-Extended, but I'm stuck in Vanilla-land.
PD-Vanilla: How to limit audio signal below 1 before going to dac~?
most systems clip between -1 and 1 after the dac~ object anyways, though OS X doesn't. You could just add
[clip~ -1 1]
though -
Posted this on facebook's Pd group too, but here's it's better for archiving. So, this might be helpful if I understood what you're looking for http://designingsound.org/2013/06/tutorial-a-compressor-in-pure-data/
P.S. Vanilla-land is not a bad thing, don't forget that most things can be done in vanilla, plus there's the deken-plugin built-in now so you can install almost all externals extended used to have.