'Some compressors (AKG were the first I remember) introduce a tiny delay to the main signal so as to introduce the required compression before the signal arrives (catch all transients). That is called "feed forward compression"':
I incorporated this as a "lookahead" passing a variable to the initial delay line;
'You will also see (on manufactured units) "attack" (time for compression to ramp up....... approx.? 0-10ms.... to allow short transients to pass more naturally... un-"chopped") and "release" (the time to slowly release the compression after the signal has dropped below the threshold again....... 50ms-2sec.... usually about 300ms is good for vocals)';
I included these and the numbers you suggest as the ramp values for attack: from below threshold to the "ratio" value and decay for below-threshold to a percent between that value and 0 (think this is a good option, because it sounds really screwy when it drops to nothing) and for those values above-the-limit dropping to the limit.
'bad microphone technique.': For example?
'knee': how to add this? via ADSR envelope? not sure how I would go about make the curve (soft knee)...suggestions?
'your patch looks like a spaghetti omelette to me at the moment!': I was sorry to hear this for two reason: the pain you must have/are undergoing and that perhaps my patch was a "mess". (not time to be sensitive tho. so pushed on.) Hope all is doing better for you.
Regarding this update:
the controls:
limit, ratio, threshold, and makeup gain are all calibrated on the fly using the updateControls subpatch which scales the "left" and "right" values of each control (using range messages) accordingly
all signals are grouped into 4 categories using the moses's: below-threshold, above-threshold-below-ratio, above-ratio-below-limit, and above-limit
"above limit" signals are brought down to this limit
"above ratio-below limit" signals are left untouched
"above threshold-below ratio" are brought up to the ratio value
Is to be used as a noisegate meter if the value is a positive number then the threshold is above the env~, i.e. background noise
attack/decay and ?:
? because I am not certain, if in the context of compressors I have applied these concepts correctly:
attack: the length of time it takes to make the upward ramps, 0-10 ms
decay: the length of time it takes to make the downward ramps, 50-2000 ms
% drop:
what percent between 0 and the threshold the signal is to be decreased, in other words, filter the noise completely or just a little bit, 100% drops it to 0, 1% drops it 1% below the threshold (fyi: I found dropping it completey to 0 sounded "wrong")
makeup gain:
the amount to increase the final output, between the limit and 1
how much time the delay line should be between 0-100 ms (have NO idea what range this "should" be, so input is requested)
graphical representation (from left to right) of the the threshold, ratio, and limit on a 0 to 1 scale
the env~ (really just a vu) and a line representing where the threshold is on that same scale (0 to 1) in order to better judge where to set the values
A meter showing from left-to-right where the current sound is (to be used as simple guide to setting the parameters): silence, above silence-below threshold, above threshold-below ratio, above ratio-below limit, and above limit
I DO hope this is useful to someone/anyone. And ,if nothing else, might act as a guide to others addressing this pretty-darn challenging concept.
I have included some features which I have not seen other compressors include, while there are others I might or probably will/should include later, ex. a soft knee on the curves.
All opinions/insight/daily feelings/usage of/ etc. etc. etc. are very welcome.
Peace and may your days, hearts, minds, and loved ones be over-flow-ering with Music.
p.s. will probably move this lateron to the abstractions section, once I am certain everything is working as planned.
