• zillaomg

    ahaha amazing thanks friends. my pd weaknesses have certainly been illuminated through this endeavor. I've usually been pretty quick at achieving a goal in pure data but apparently havent been using messages/lists or arrays/tables past to their full potential

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  • zillaomg

    @zillaomg Ty all!

    I actually got it working with the list-abs library using list-nth but it was stupid complicated.

    Your solution(s) are much more elegant. @whale-av's is exactly what i'm looking for ty!

    posted in technical issues read more
  • zillaomg

    I can't seem to wrap my head around this and it's driving me nuts.

    I want to toggle on or off numbers 1-5 then select randomly from what is toggled on.

    So let's say numbers 1, 3, or 5 are toggled on. I want to randomly select one of those numbers.

    It seems simple enough but I've been fiddling for hours please help

    posted in technical issues read more
  • zillaomg

    Hi there. thanks for this.

    I'm trying to get this to run on libpd which is an earlier version than .50-0

    is there anyway to do that?


    posted in patch~ read more
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