• wk

    hi all, is there a way to get the send- and receive-symbols/messages of gui-objects which are ? for example, click a toggle with a specific send/receive assigned in the properties, say, properties -> messages -> send-symbol: send-toggle1, next one send-toggle2, whatever - click it and get these properties somewhere... ?? know what i mean??

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  • wk

    ok... data from arrays stored as textfiles in different folders using $1 within the write and read messages... works, no problem....

    now i just want to store only one value as textfile, but also in different folders... so, an array could be used, but why waste an array for only one value.... so i thought using the [textfile]-object might be a good idea. that's fine for storing, but loading these files turns out to be a problem

    now i do like so

    [hradio] or whatever, it says 1, 2, 3 and so on
    [trigger bang bang bang]
    | | |
    [bang( [rewind( [read path/with/a/folder$1/textfile.txt(
    | / /

    and now, of course, $1 is out of range, grrr

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  • wk

    Is there an object that recognizes the actual sample rate at which Pd is playing??

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  • wk

    i'm really curious about this
    i mean, everything in pd is numbers and floats
    but what the hell is the mysterious bang?

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  • wk

    Does anyone know where to "hack" the fonts used in the object boxes, msg etc. I was able to change console and menu fonts in the pd.tk, but i couldn't find a line for the objects....

    Startup flag does not really work, i can set another font, but it's always the same....

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  • wk

    Please help with this patch, when a soundfile ends it clicks
    i dont do pd every day but now i need it but i do some shit
    im always looking at helpfiles and patches but i just dont understand millers example
    i just dont understand how to cut the sound off before playing it again
    sorry if im stupid
    please help


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  • wk

    So, i had a look at this example.... There are seperate messages for note on and off, and i think the last value in the message must be decay, but it seems not to work... Or where do i go wrong here?

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  • wk

    It's still this little sample player, this time it clicks, I don't know why
    the little black bang labeled "F" opens c:/ on windows for loading a soundfile
    I tried windowing but it was no good


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  • wk

    It's still a very simple patch, I'm pretty sure, I#ve made mistakes, 1,6 Ghz with 2 GB of ram must be more than enough for something like this, it's just a little sample player and I'd like to make it a big one. Problem is, sometimes it works for hours, with many channels, many samples and even vsts included, cpu always around 10%, and then, suddenly it climbs up to 100 and stays there, sometimes even if only one channel with a single soundfile is used. I can't refer this to a specific cause, cpu load increases at varoius times, sometimes even when the files are just played back without tweaking. I tried this without pitch envelopes, without freeverbs, with lots of different soundfiles... all 24 bit mono files, 1, 2 or 4 seconds... I ask you to have a quick look at this, maybe play around with it for a little while.... I hope I made a mistake here.....


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  • wk

    quick question: there is a $0-array1, i want to tell it something but it gives me: error: $2-array1: not enough arguments supplied

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!